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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2020 in all areas

  1. DPI Wizard

    New Game Requests

    Request new games for the calculator here! Make sure the game you request is not listed in the Unsupported Games forum. If you know of a fix that might solve the sensitivity issues with a game, make a request mentioning this. Requests that are processed will be moved to the archive. Preferably use this template when posting your requests (don't worry if you don't have all the info), and if you have several requests make one post for each of them. Also check if the game is already requested. If it is, give it a like to bump it. ---- Name: Website: Status: (in development, pre-alpha, alpha, closed beta, open beta, early access, release etc) Release date: Availability: (Free, invite only, pre-purchase, purchase etc) ---- PS: When you copy and paste something, make sure to use the "Paste as plain text instead" (or paste with CTRL-SHIFT-V on Windows) to avoid messy formatting.
    1 point
  2. Indeed it was, fixed it now! Thanks for reporting
    1 point
  3. Fixed it now, they've changed how the sights work at some point.
    1 point
  4. with 0% you'll always carry over a base line of aim no matter where you go , i wouldn't necessarily focus on one or the other in your case id mix aim trainers ( rough edges / stuff that doesn't work so well for you ) + in game for practical application the primary reason for me , not to train a specific ads would be the potential "shoot in " ( over training one and ignoring the other ) ^mostly me being paranoid btw
    1 point
  5. This is correct and should make the Overwatch aims feel exactly like Apex. Widowmaker scope is about the same zoom as 3X in Apex, so they should be very similar.
    1 point
  6. yes but before you find the settings that works best for you you have to try a lot out. Also in the beginning of this site every month a new conversation method came out that was claimed to be better. I finally found mine and stick to it now.
    1 point
  7. id consider changing location to : in game and the aim to: all turn this on and set it to 120 fov, fov type to hdeg 16;9 and converting to most games shouldn't be an issue( should simplify it all)
    1 point
  8. @Wiet PotThat's correct, and there's nothing wrong with your logic The scale % acts as a post-multiplier, so if you applied a 70% scale to the monitor distance of 0%, it would be effectively the same as having the ADS sens multiplier at 0.7 in game with 0% coefficient
    1 point
  9. DPI Wizard

    Game request archive

    Name: Cyberpunk 2077 Website: https://www.cyberpunk.net/ Status: In development Release date: 16 April 2020 17 September 2020 19 November 2020 10 December 2020? Availability: Pre-order
    1 point
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