360 distance = 360 distance ( one out of multiple factors )
sense = the result of all the factors that actually impact sensitivity ( not just distance)
100ads in game + 1.0 xfactor basically just disables the other modifiers making all scopes have the same 360 rotation
(ironic that the devs managed to include this but not actual scaling)
anything above 83.333 doesn't affect 1x scopes but acog /glaz / khali
when matching 360 distance on small zoom level scopes that is more forgiving than on others however
using a scaled option that actually varies the 360 distance based on your fov or optic can give you a similar experience
of uniformity whilst retaining both close quarter as well as long range fighting capabilities without requiring you to 1mm twitch your mouse at 5x + zoom in order to hit a target
the reason why 83 // matching the 360 distance for ads is so popular in siege can pretty much be boiled down to the initial mistake made by ubi in not making
a better "simple" option available and since pros always look for the simplest choice that "works "
and lets be real here saying "just use 83 ads it makes your hipfire exactly the same as your ads "
is so much easier than actually doing your research on the topic and telling your 5m twitch followers
" well i modify my multiplier insert a bunch of numbers ( that vary depending on fov dpi etcetc) because that perfectly scale to 0% monitor distance at 70.5328 fov "
if they did the research we would already have dedicated sliders/ values there has already been a recent shift away from 83 in some cases
most pros just copy almost the exact settings another pro does well on thus we have a bunch of
120 fov ( 90siege 120 horizontal ) 400dpi 12hipfire 83 ads players
ngl it has been amazing watching all of those professional athletes aimtrain for 6hrs a day whilst achieving nothing
there is a reason why those with great hand eye coordination tend to excel at siege in comparison to your average pro they all use extremely high fov with basically random numbers
the options below
id try either 0%^ /133%^ / 177.78%^ vertical md or 100%^ 83 ads ^ horizontal monitor distance a try
^ just here to show this in direct relation to the others , should not really be considered an option if you want to achieve consistency