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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2020 in all areas

  1. DPI Wizard

    Escape from Tarkov

    I'll update the calculations for what I can get my hand on a bit later today. Hopefully there's a more logical scaling to the aims now.
    3 points
  2. Traxilla

    Escape from Tarkov

    Alright. Might've been placebo from my side, thank you! Also on a side note. I can get you pretty much anything you need ingame, so if theres something you need just send me a DM
    1 point
  3. if your main game is csgo and you have years of aim experience at 1.0 there is little reason to swap especially since most games these days offer 133 as a scaling option (battlefield / cod/ apex with per scope sliders ) so there isn't a straight up disadvantage
    1 point
  4. TheYellaKing

    Escape from Tarkov

    1x ADS sens without a doubt feels faster now -- used to play at .5 Aim. I'd like to know what that would compute to now.
    1 point
  5. Other than digging through source code, the only method is by using scripts and math. Quite easy if the game has good mouse registration (i.e. no acceleration or smoothing). The approach is to first measure the 360 distance, then the whole field of view (i.e. moving what's on your left edge to the right edge). Alternatively half the distance (crosshair to edge) and doubling it. So if the 360 distance is 8181 counts and crosshair movement from left to right is 2415 counts, this means your FOV is 2415/8181*360=106.27 degrees. This method have a few caveats though. For 3rd person you need to measure against an object as far away as possible. Skybox if possible (if it's static). In terms of distance, at least 1-2 km (over 1 mile). Also some game have your first person POV slightly in front of the center of rotation, this may throw off any measurements as well.
    1 point
  6. the fov type setting isnt really anything you have to touch unless you want to manually match fov between games , these days using auto fov is generally the easier choice before we had this option you would have had to manually swap your fov type to a fov type you know the number for ie csgo 73.74 vdeg = 90 then youd have changed the games fov type in the calculator to vdeg and typed in 73.74 then changed it back to what it was originally ment to show and youd have had the number you needed
    1 point
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