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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2019 in all areas

  1. DPI Wizard

    Site down

    Google Cloud (where the site is hosted) had some SSD issues causing about 2 hours of downtime. Nothing to worry about, we didn't disappear
    1 point
  2. I've added it to the front page, no need for me to make another report as it's better to focus everything on this one
    1 point
  3. Crossfire is not supported because there's too much acceleration. 觉得,凑合着玩吧~
    1 point
  4. cod has been using 0% for ages 75% would be csgo or older battlefield 100% would be newer battlefield although just like cod you can use everything you want these days due to the settings being open 0% is (CoD and Titanfall/apex legends) also psa method is a somewhat nice starting point ( going from overwatch starting in 180 degree= half a mousepad )
    1 point
  5. DPI Wizard

    [FIXED] CrossFire

    Tried everything with this game now, but there is way too much acceleration, so it will be impossible to add unless there's a fix.
    1 point
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