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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2019 in all areas

  1. DPI Wizard

    Apex Legends

    Set it to 1.289571.
    1 point
  2. stereo3D

    Apex Legends

    setting everything to MDV 76.9488 % in the conversion setup, results in zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "0.890000" for csgo and mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_0 "1.046497" for apex legends.
    1 point
  3. epitome89

    Apex Legends

    Yes, but the ingame FOV-slider seems off, so you should do 90 / 70 = cl_fovScale "1.2857" in the C:\Users\[your user]\Saved Games\Respawn\Apex\profile\profile.cfg
    1 point
  4. DPI Wizard

    Apex Legends

    Will try to update the FOV calculations soon. It scales from 70 horizontal 4:3 based FOV. Set the Location in Fortnite to In-game.
    1 point
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