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  1. DPI Wizard


    Transfer from CSGO every time.
    1 point
  2. DPI Wizard


    I edited you post format for clarity. Just select CSGO as the first game and enter all your details (sensitivity, resolution, DPI), then select BO3 or R6 and set the correct FOV. That's basically all you need to do unless you have some spesial settings. The output will show you the correct sensitivity.
    1 point
  3. Hipfire is used as source if All is selected! Technically it doesn't matter though, since any conversion based on the same source will give you the same result, but you avoid rounding errors by not doing for instance CSGO Hipfire -> CSGO Scope CSGO Hipfire -> BO4 Hipfire CSGO Scope -> BO4 Scope But instead swap the last step with CSGO Hipfire -> BO4 Scope This way any limitation in CSGO Scope sensitivity (say lack of decimals, not that this is the case in CSGO) doesn't carry over into BO4.
    1 point
  4. You're welcome ! Don't worry, you can be very good quite fast. Some people havea really good aim in a year of practice. Just keep practicing, eat well and rest well ! Never push yourself whenever you don't want to play, it might have bad consequence on your aim.
    1 point
  5. Nice frags. I think building muscle memory is a long process which takes years like buliding muscles in bodybuilding. I don't know if I'm right, but I think you should have the same 360°cm hipfire/ADS sensitivity for any game whatever the fov is. As a Rainbow six siege player who train on CSGO, Aim Hero and Quake Champions (it sounds strange I know), I noticed that when i unified my sens, even though the fov are different for each game, I was improving my aim and my flick shots etc. I convert my sens only for the scoping. I feel really comfortable that way and I still see improvements. I'm having back the ease I had since I stopped adapting my sens to the different fov each game had. I might be wrong. I don't know, but even Kovaak said on his youtube channel (if I remember well, on his video of sensitivityMatcher v1.0 or v1.3) that fov doesn't have an impact on your sens. I don't know what to believe to be honest. I unified my sens recently, so it might be a placebo effect. I have to try it much longer to say if it is true or not. Sorry for my English
    1 point
  6. Yeah, the only difference I'd make is where you've said aim 'all' I'd have put 'hipfire', I don't know how the calculator deals with 'all' even if they'll all give you the same numbers but if it works it works. If i were you I'd also try out 0% monitor match just to see if it's something you feel your could aim better with. I switched awp sensitvity ratio to 0.82 (~0%mm) and feel a lot more comfortable once I adjusted. Just a suggestion to try, no problems with sticking to 75% monitor match. Also, we have the exact same csgo sensitivity+dpi! TWINS!
    1 point
  7. DPI Wizard

    Game request archive

    Select Location In-game and it's there.
    1 point
  8. if zoom_mouse_sensitivity_ratio is 1, then CS:GO converts to all the scopes from hipfire sensitivity to ADS using 75% MDH 16:9 (100% MDH 4:3) so if and only if you chose 75% MDH 16:9 they all should give you the same numbers, but anything else and the calculations would be off, if so use the hipfire as the base sensitivity
    1 point
  9. if you play csgo with zoom sens 1 at 16:9, then you should set everything to MDH 75 % in the conversion setup and convert from csgo - all to new game - all.
    1 point
  10. CSGO uses 75% monitor match for converting to scopes like the AWP. Viewspeed vertical is almost the same as 75% for most FOVs and this is probably why it felt good for you and what will 'feel' right for you after 4000 hours. But if you want the best conversion, you should use 0% monitor matching. It won't 'feel' at first right as you're used to 75% MDH but it will give you muscle memory the fastest for all the different FOVs Look here if you want some more info about the different methods:
    1 point
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