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  1. yes, that's right.
    1 point
  2. unfortunately the calculator assumes that you leave the coefficient at default 1.33 but then your ads sens would only be correct with a reflex sight. since you want it to be correct with every sight you should leave the ads multi at 1 and instead change the coefficient to 1.72
    1 point
  3. in the conversion setup set everything to "monitor distance vertical 178 %" = MD coefficent for bo4 convert from overwatch all to bo4 all with ads you will see that your widowmaker sens should be 49.54. if you really want it 49 then use 172 % for everything. if you want to use a higher fov in bo4 the calculator will scale your sensitivity accordingly.
    1 point
  4. fov 103, sens 13, ads multi 1, monitor distance coefficient 1.72
    1 point
  5. You can establish a relationship between the cursor and mouse. Then the best from there is 0% monitor distance conversion to games. If you made it 1:1 relationship, then the sensitivity would be extremely slow. For a 24.5" monitor at 1920x1080, you are looking at 89.9 DPI and 127.8 cm/rev in CS:GO. You can always amplify the sensitivity. The term for this is control-display gain, which describes the proportion between movements in the control space to the movements in the display space. I personally use a control-display gain of 5 (1800 CPI, with WPS reducing it to 450 dots/pixels per inch). Formula to find the CPI for desired CD-Gain is: (Gain * Sqrt(PixelsHorz^2 + PixelsVert^2))/(ScreenSize * WPS * DPIScaling) = CPI
    1 point
  6. DPI Wizard

    Game request archive

    I'm ready for it, pre-loaded and re-downloaded
    1 point
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