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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/17/2018 in all areas

  1. This will make the calculator a lot easier to use! All games that have support for aim sensitivity now have an "All" option under aim, and this option will calculate all aims automatically. For this to work there's been a re-design of the conversion method input, as you need to specify how you want each aim calculated. All the aim selections are put into one of these four categories: Normal - Hipfire or default view ADS - Targeting, ironsight, holo, red dot and scopes up to 1.5x Scopes - All scopes more powerful than 1.5x Win/2D - Windows and 2D games like osu and LoL The active conversion method(s) for your selection will be highlighted in blue. Note that if you load an old saved entry, all conversion will be set to the same value. There are likely a few quirks to this new function, please report them here if you find anything weird.
    3 points
  2. Let's see what your preferred conversion method is for the different aims. If your answer is another percentage than one listed, please specify. I joined ADS and scope into one poll as most people probably prefer these to be the same, but do tell if you want them different.
    1 point
  3. I would instead put all monitor match percentages other than 0% in their own group because they are arbitrary and do not convert the same from setup to setup. Your 100% will be different from my 100%. If you took two monitors and placed them at exactly the same central position then you would have different angles representing 100% for each monitor: The same problem applies to Viewspeed because Viewspeed calculations are dependent on perceived monitor size, let alone the horizontal or vertical axis. The only conversion method that is independent of every factor is 0% because 0% will always remain as the center of the monitor no matter what aspect ratio you use, what size monitor you have or how far away from the monitor you sit.
    1 point
  4. Vehicle sensitivity was removed from the game about three months ago
    1 point
  5. Yes, will see about this in the next update.
    1 point
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