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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2018 in all areas

  1. DPI Wizard


    Yes, dividing it is not the best way to do it. Here's what you do, you do not need to change your sensitivity for this: Right click UserActionBindings key [0] and click Duplicate. Do this two times so you get two new keys. Expand key 0, 1 and 2 and confirm that they are all identical (all should have the ActionName MoveForward etc). For key 0 change: ActionName = Turn KeyBind1 - Keyname = MouseX KeyBind1 - Keyname = None For key 1 change: ActionName = LookUp KeyBind1 - Keyname = MouseY KeyBind1 - Keyname = None InputScale = -1.428571 Note that numbers in this file are localized to your locale, so use comma or period according to your settings. In the end the content of the file should look like this: Export it to cloud and you're good to go!
    2 points
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