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  1. Drimzi

    Averaged Aim FOVs

    An averaged aim fov for games that have multiple aiming fovs, but can only set one sensitivity. Have it in the list to choose from, not replace the existing options. Like CS:GO, you can only set a global zoom ratio, but there is 4 different zoom fovs. 10, 15, 40, and 45. An averaged FOV would be 28 Hdeg 4:3. For COD, it is consistently 65 (pistols), 55 (smgs), 50 (assault rifles, red dot sights), and then a wide range of different scope fovs depending on game, but 55 and 50 are most important. Averaged FOV would be 52.52691 Hdeg 4:3. For Battalion, there are lots of different fovs, but for 105 hipfire fov, the averaged FOV would be roughly 72.7 Hdeg. For Fortnite, you have zoom sensitivity handling assault rifles and snipers, 15 and 40 FOV. An averaged FOV would be 27.83632 Hdeg. You don't have to include all possible fovs, as some can be outliers.This would be a good compromise when you can only set one zoom sensitivity which handles lots of different fovs.
    1 point
  2. Since the 24" is bigger, you will need to lower your DPI by ratio. Your new DPI would just be (15.6/24) x old DPI. E.g. a 400 DPI will now become a 260 DPI. The other way to do it is to imagine you are using a smaller portion of the 800x600 resolution. 15.6" as a portion of 24" gives us a resolution of 520x390. Then you can get your new DPI by converting from your old resolution to your new resolution, e.g.: Keep in mind that DPI values are limited to 100 or 50 increments, depending on your mouse, so it's not always possible to get the exact same sensitivity (as you can see by the results which are in red). You can lessen this problem by using a lower WPS value: It's one of the annoying parts about picking a sensitivity for life. Unless you've prepared for it, a change in resolution will always make things complicated. Hopefully they make mice with smaller DPI increments in the future so that this isn't as much of an issue. In terms of converting your ingame sensitivity... if you haven't already done it, you should convert your ingame sensitivity to windows/desktop using the conversion method you like best. And then it will give you a desktop DPI that matches your ingame. And then you multiply this DPI by 15.6/24 to get your new DPI. And then you just use this new DPI and convert back to your ingame.
    1 point
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