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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2018 in all areas

  1. The new PUBG test server has added a "Vertical Sensitivity Multiplier" to the options. I'd assume keeping it a 1.0 would make it the same as horizontal but you never know with this game. They have also added new 3x & 6x scopes (apparently) but no options to change their sensitivity values (in game at least)
    1 point
  2. Just a friendly reminder that this light colored theme exists, and is improved a lot with the latest update!
    1 point
  3. iBerggman


    The sniper sensitivity seems to affect the the aim down sights sensitivity of every gun in the game, atleast it did make the ironsight ads on my MP5 faster when I tried it, which means it should work for every gun/sight in the game as long as we have the fov of those sights. Not sure which sight DPI Wizard used for the calculations but I suspect it's the standard scope for the Blaser/DSR based on the fov used. The config file location (Ironsight/ini/ironsight_local.ini.) is definitely correct but I can't seem to get the game to read the sensitivity values I put in there. It always remembers the last value I set it to in game and overwrites the config with that. Same thing if I set the .ini to read only except it only uses the previous sensitivity I set in game without ofc overwriting the one in the config.
    1 point
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