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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2017 in all areas

  1. By popular request I've made a theme with light colors, scroll to the bottom to change to it. It still needs a few tweaks, but notify me if you see anything that looks wrong!
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. DPI Wizard

    Feature request

    I will make a basic and advanced version in the next major release
    1 point
  4. Raz290

    Halo Online

    Could we get Halo Online support for the calculator? If anyone is unaware of the game, here is a link to the subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloOnline/ There is a pinned download link, plus tonnes of info on the game.
    1 point
  5. Literally nobody uses 180° FOV anyway so it hardly matters. Even so, if you were to make a circle with a diameter of the resolution then the "inner circle" or lower fov circle or whatever you call it would have to be infinitely small to make the chords on top of eachother. 100% monitor match works for curved screens only . And again, it has to be properly curved for your FOV and sitting distance. So unless you're some super rich shit who can have custom monitors built or something... Otherwise all you're doing is matching movements at the very edge of your screen. Not very useful. The zoom ratio is tan(largerFOV / 2)/tan(smallerFOV / 2). Not sure if this is what you're asking though.
    1 point
  6. Heres something to consider. Take this example: Putting alternate theory aside for a second and lets look at zoom factor. Essentially we are going to multiply the 45' 'viewspace' by 4.64, thereby filling up the 125' viewspace'. Now we have two arcs with equal chord length, however the expanded 45' viewspace does not share the same geometry as the 125' viewspace. The 125' arc is 1.1966 times longer. Point being even when we have a FOV over two and a half times larger, the actual arc length differential can be minimal. Ultimately even before we figure out exactly how far the apple drops from the tree, ALL FOV are scaled in some correlated way to fill the same size screen. EDIT. WIP... thought I'd add this diagram here if anyone would find it useful. The numbers between dimensions are ratios.
    1 point
  7. 360° turn distance for an fov of 45° should be twice as big as that for a 90° fov if you had a screen that had the correct curve. Since 99% of people use a flat screen the distance won't be double unless you match at 100% screen distance. "Cog method" or whatever you want to call it (and also viewspeed) still relies on your monitor being representable by a chord. This doesn't seem to be mathmatically correct from what I can tell. Ignoring that, I can't tell where you're getting 2 sin(R/2). If you're trying to match "chain speed" then you just take the ratio of the radii calculated from chord = 2 r sin(fov/2) like here http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=h+%3D+103,+z+%3D+51,+j+%3D+1%2F2+c+csc((h+π)%2F360),+x+%3D+1%2F2+c+csc((π+z)%2F360),+j%2Fx%3D Regardless the chord thing seems flawed so by extension so is this. My point was that there's no objective reason to be using horizontal fov/resolution instead of vertical or even diagonal. I would strongly disagree that viewspeed is "better" than matching a screen distance. In fact I even dislike the name because it's misleading. You can only match the "speed" at a single circle on the monitor. That's just how projecting a 3d image onto a 2d plane works. You can get a pretty close speed on the rest of the monitor, but it gets farther off the farther you are from the circle. It's why I personally like to have the speed matched at my crosshair. Like I already said in this post going from 45° to 90° should double your sensitivity if and only if your monitor is curved to match. You lose your ability to accurately do 45°/90°=50% when you start using a 2d plane for your 3d image. Going from 90° to 45° fov on a flat screen isn't 2x zoom. With my image previous in this thread I showed that for flat screens the zoom amount is tan(90°/2)/tan(45°/2)=2.414 There's nothing truely special about 75% either. It feels pretty decent for most people sure, but originally it was just 100% match distance for source engine's fov method. The devs just did 40/90 for their 4:3 resolution game. Other games like battlefield just copied this because it's what people are used to. In fact it's literally one of the reasons listed by one of the designers of battlefield's system: "that's what CS:GO used and compatability is awesome" - https://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/forum/threadview/2979150494051524581/ note: I'm not really sure what you were trying to say with 75% so I kinda just guessed?
    1 point
  8. It's mathematically impossible to match the entire monitor perfectly but ok. Like I don't know what to tell you here. You can never project a 3d image onto a 2d plane without distortion. This distortion makes it impossible to make the entire screen perfectly accurate. Honestly this makes no sense in relation to viewspeed. Let's assume my previous post is "solved" so that you actually can assume the chord is your monitor. The radius for 90° and 40° is 1357.6 and 2806.9 respectively if your chord is 1920. In this case in order to match the chain you would need the 40° gear to rotate at 48.37% of the speed of the 90° gear. Viewspeed says the zoomed sensitivity needs to be 40.84% of hipfire. Obviously 48.37% is way too high so don't even bother using this method, additionally it relies on the monitor being representable by chord which I already brought into question. Literally what you're doing is dividing chord length by arc length and multiplying the result by what 100% match distance would give you. If this is supposed to be perfect for every single spot on the screen this should raises several flags for you. Why 100% horizontal distance instead of vertical. What about diagonal FOV? What's so special about the point that's 100% match distance? So you can't say "but it doesn't use 100% match distance": 360°/103FOV * 10.16cm * (2560/2940.2224) = 30.9185 cm In this equation "360°/103FOV * 10.16cm" is 100% match distance as 10.16cm comes from 2560/640*2.54 or the distance to move the cursor across the screen in desktop. Even ignoring that, the FOV you're basing your calculations off of is the still one at the center of the left/right edge of the screen. I.e. 100% screen distance. You can't claim it's perfect for the entire screen but then choose an arbitrary starting point.
    1 point
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