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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/2017 in all areas

  1. cchhqq


    理论上最好是腰射用360°,开镜用viewspeed2。 但你就所有都用viewspeed2就行了。在dpi处输入灵敏度,sensitivity那输入游戏内速度 select game哪里选择你玩的游戏。上面是被转换的,下面是转换过去的,两个都输入你在游戏中使用的fov。往下翻看actual fov可以对比一下看两个游戏fov是否一样。fov对360没影响,对viewspeed会有影响。就用viewspeed2就行了,信我。360 distance已经过时了。买这个就是为了viewspeed的
    2 points
  2. Updated with first person view calculations. Note that all scopes now have a different FOV as well. View full update
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. Google translate helps a bit, but a lot can get lost in translation.
    1 point
  5. Thanks, I figured it was something like that. Languages are on the priority list!
    1 point
  6. Important update! I've added a "Config File 2" calculations to PUBG, and you can use this to calculate the MouseSensitivity value in the config file accurately. This way you can make a config file with accurate sensitivity that will be kept when you do any changes to the config in-game. You can use it in one of two ways: Just calculate the MouseSensitivity value and changed the config file accordingly, leaving out the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity value. For instance like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902415) Since the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity is not present, the mouse sensitivity is effectively 0 now, and you will not move when moving the mouse. So enter the game and do a config change so the Apply button is clickable. You can do this by enabling Invert Mouse, click Apply, disable it and click Apply again (or opposite if you already have it enabled). The LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will then be calculated based on the MouseSensitivity value: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009969) Calculate both values using Config File 1 and Config File 2 calculations. Add both values you get to the config file like this: (MouseSensitiveName="Normal",MouseSensitivity=34.902416,LastConvertedMouseSensitivity=0.009979) You do not need to anything else in-game, the sensitivity will be correct the next time you start the game. And should you change something in the config in-game, the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity will be overwritten by an almost identical value. So why aren't the LastConvertedMouseSensitivity values identical? The error is actually in the game, the calculations done here are the correct values. The game converts whole numbers correctly, but is off by a little bit (0.1-0.5%) on decimal numbers. Also note that the game have a tendency to change the MouseSensitivity value a tiny bit when you start the game, something like 36.257845 will be changed into 36.257847. This is negligible though.
    1 point
  7. 0 points
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