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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2017 in all areas

  1. Was an error in the formula, edit it correctly now. Here it is in use: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=(atan((1080%2F1920)*1.33*(tan(85.57degrees%2F2)))%2Fatan((1080%2F1920)*1.33*(tan(26degrees%2F2))))%2F(0.9*0.8) In this example, the 360 distance is 4.918 times that of hipfire.
    1 point
  2. Horizontal FOV in radians.
    1 point
  3. A bit simplified it's like this: SoldierZoomSensitivityAll*SoldierZoomSensitivity4x00*(atan((vres/hres)*UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient*(tan(FOV/2)))/atan((vres/hres)*UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient*(tan(AimFOV/2)))) There's a few conditions to this; SoldierZoomSensitivityAll*SoldierZoomSensitivity4x00 can not be above 3 or below 0.1. If it is, 3 or 0.1 will be used respectively. If UniformSoldierAimingCoefficient is 0, the formula is slightly different.
    1 point
  4. DPI Wizard

    Black Squad

    FOV's for the scopes aren't perfect yet, but within a few % or so. Will go through them thoroughly later.
    1 point
  5. DPI Wizard

    Black Squad

    Added a bunch now, try them out and tell me if you miss something.
    1 point
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