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  1. The final output must be pasted into console to create 6 keybinds The keybinds scale from 1 being the lowest zoom level to 6 being the highest. When pressed they will set your zoom sensitivity to properly match for that zoom level. They also temporarily set your FOV to that zoom level to help you ensure you pressed the correct zoom level for your weapon. To check, just zoom in with your weapon after pressing the keybind. If the zoom level doesn't change throughout the zoom-in then you've selected the correct bind. Due to the removal of the "fov" command from the game you just have to memorize what weapon corresponds to each key. FOVOptionsPercentageValue is located in your KFGame.ini located in C:\Users\<user>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config Coefficient is the screen match distance as a decimal and horizontal. So 75% is 0.75 Keybinds are numpad 1-6. Off the top of my head the corresponding binds are: 1 is flamethrowers/mwg 2 is pistols 3 is every smg except mp7 and med smg 4 is the grenade launcher and pistol 5 is ARs/shotguns/mp7/med smg 6 is the lever action I don't have the scoped weapons (crossbow, m14, railgun) working because I don't know the FOV inside scopes or how their sensitivity is calculated. Downloads/source: https://github.com/Skwuruhl/kf2ads Most people will want to use the master branch. If you want the math to be exactly like counterstrike then use the branch "exactly-as-counterstrike". Note that this isn't screen distance match. Python 3: https://www.python.org/ I don't know if Python will replace "." with "," in corresponding countries, refer below if it does. Background math: ADS sensitivity in KF2 is determined by your FOV and your ZoomedSensitivity value. More specifically when you zoom in your new sensitivity becomes Sensitivity * ZoomedSensitivityScalar * fieldOfView * 0.013330 Where sensitivity is your hipfire sensitivity and fieldOfView is your current field of view, that is the zoomed field of view. 0.013330 is very close to dividing by 75. I originally thought it was dividing by 75 until I found them using * 0.013330 in decompiled code. Very strange way to do ADS sensitivity. Especially in a lot of cases your sensitivity can go up from hipfire. Meaning your distance/360 is even lower while ADS. Java: Download: https://mega.nz/#!IZYRwKSS!M6Guxx8fgg-l1y0fVEXpafAp75BU_7DMgA8X4WgEgRc Source: https://gist.github.com/Skwuruhl/64625cc14f21cc2ef1d914dacf5d59dc To use just double click run.bat. If you want to compile your own classes to be safe then the source is included in the file and below. Note: If you live somewhere (or java thinks you live somewhere) that uses commas instead of period/full stop then you need to: 1. Enter your coefficient and FOVOptionsPercentageValue as a decimal using comma, i.e. 0,75 for 75% instead of 0.75 2. Go through your clipboard and replace all "," with "." before entering it into console. Notepad++'s find & replace feature is really useful for this.
    1 point
  2. I don't mind tinkering around. If we come p with something that benefits someone, like a clearer choice for % match (like viewspeed) then that's great. Back to chasing my tail.... I still feel the circle ratio (1.3 for 90 - 45FOV) coupled with a multiplier is where the correlation should be made. What the multiplier is I've not 100% decided on yet. I have results and ideas but not a solid theory.
    1 point
  3. I worked a lot on this for the testing when DICE dev Julian Manolov first implemented DarkEthereal's ideas during BF4 CTE. To cut a long story short, Having a coefficient of 0% (i.e viewspeed under "the centre of crosshair" match) makes "effective" sensitivity feel slower as zoom increases / FOV decreases with the different scopes in the game. This is a pretty objective phenomenon and every person who was testing it reported the same results. The idea of USA in the first place was to create a system which could remove the need for random turn-rate multipliers, which were never going to work for everyone because they didn't/don't take into account user base FOV selection, even if the different ADS FOV multipliers were reasonably and accurately modelled in the first place (which they weren't). A setting of matching 4:3 distance (i.e 133%) made the best compromise across ALL the zoom levels in BF4. which is why it is the default. It was not simply to "match CS:GO". There has been way too much emphasis put on that throw away remark from Dark. If you're not interested in matching ALL zoom levels as close as possible (for example, if you only ever rock iron sights) then having a closer to screen center coefficient might work out better, and of course, the less you change FOV with a low-zoom scope the less the coeffecient matters anyway. But as been already mentioned, it is literally impossible to match a sensitivity across ALL the screen space of a 3D game, due to the 3D/2D distortion factor. BF1 doesn't have as high zoom levels as BF4 with sniper scopes, and critically, there is no "blanking of the edges" outside the scopes. That is to say, your brain still gets viewspeed information from your peripheral view in BF1 with snipers (albeit blurry), whereas it doesn't in BF4. What you find when your peripheral view is blanked, off, and you can only see the "centre portion" of the FOV (which looks "flatter" and is the slower moving portion of the screen as you turn) is this creates a sensation of lowered "effective sensitivity". Which is one of the reasons why BF4 needed a slightly faster overall setting of 133% to be the default, cause we had to account for 20x zoom scopes with blanked out edges. When I play BF1, since I only use zoom levels up to 4x zoom, and no scope blanks peripheral, I play at a coefficient of 88.8888%. In other words, exactly the halfway point between the centre of my screen, and the horizontal edge on a 16:9 display. This is also exactly the centre of any "FOV curve" also, since the 3D/2D conversion bends the image of course. Aiming to anything outside that point is slightly slower, aiming to anything inside that point is slightly faster compared to hipfire FOV. One of the problems with this whole thing is the industry standard terms for defining what is "sensitivity" as far as muscle memory / aiming ability goes. There is a huge fixation in FPS gaming of matching 360 distances, but that is actually just "turn-rate" - an objective value, whereas "sensitivity" has to be subjective - the key is in the word - your SENSation of movement. Effective sensitivity - which is what matters when we're talking about aiming and muscle memory, is a combination of a turn rate across a monitor distance / FOV. I hear people all the time using this website or their tape measure to match 360 distances between games that don't even have the option to replicate the same FOV they use, and that is completely pointless, since a different FOV at the same turn-rate, changes effective sensitivity (i.e aiming muscle memory) which was the whole reason USA or aiming multipliers are needed in the first place.
    1 point
  4. NoMaD.oW

    Game request archive

    Lawbreaker DPI Wizard? I've got a spare key for you on one of my email accounts, I'm pretty sure it should work.
    1 point
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