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Formula for calculating yaw

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Yaw as in the way it is used by CSGO etc is only applicable to some games/engines. Most engines do not use a specific yaw value, they have completely different ways of calculating the sensitivity.

  • Wizard
1 minute ago, samias said:

Thank You for clarifying. 

Is there a formula that can be used to convert senstivity? 

No, not a generic one if that's what you are thinking about. While a lot of games use the same sensitivity formula, the sensitivity for each game has to be analysed and reverse-engineered to make calculations possible.


I see I am new to this. Could you please point me to the sources where I would be able to learn how to analyze and reverse engineer to calcualte?


  • Wizard
20 minutes ago, samias said:

I see I am new to this. Could you please point me to the sources where I would be able to learn how to analyze and reverse engineer to calcualte?

I'm not aware of any sources that would teach you this I'm afraid.

6 hours ago, samias said:

I see I am new to this. Could you please point me to the sources where I would be able to learn how to analyze and reverse engineer to calcualte?


This is far less trivial than you might think - you’re looking at a decent level of understanding of computer sciences in general, coding knowledge / ability to develop accurate testing methods, and a good grasp of algebra, trigonometry and a pinch of calculus thrown in. There’s a reason this site/service is successful and the only one at the quality level it is at - DPI Wizards don’t grow on trees 😉 

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