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What formula is the scope factor based on, and why is the coefficient different in CSGO and Call of Duty。

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Hello, there is a question, I have always had questions, do you see can help answer it, that is, what calculation method is the scope coefficient based on, I know the conversion method based on (Hipfire) k*a=arctan(MDH%*(tanFov/2))/arctan(MDH%*(tanfov/2))*b, the K value is, a and b are the game sensitivity ratios corresponding to 360° rotation at the same distance, But the forum did not point out, how to get the scope coefficient, for example, the awp in CSGO MDH0% is (0.818933), and the call of duty and Apex are (1), how is the conversion of the scope coefficient obtained, thank you.





9 hours ago, zhou707377543 said:

Hello, there is a question, I have always had questions, do you see can help answer it, that is, what calculation method is the scope coefficient based on, I know the conversion method based on (Hipfire) k*a=arctan(MDH%*(tanFov/2))/arctan(MDH%*(tanfov/2))*b, the K value is, a and b are the game sensitivity ratios corresponding to 360° rotation at the same distance, But the forum did not point out, how to get the scope coefficient, for example, the awp in CSGO MDH0% is (0.818933), and the call of duty and Apex are (1), how is the conversion of the scope coefficient obtained, thank you.





apex default is mdh / mdv 0%

in cod & battelfield you can set the coefficient and use either 1,778 , 1,333, mdv or 0% mdv /mdh

csgo uses 1,333 mdv as its default since that correlattes to the aspect ration of 4:3 which used to be the native screen ration when counterstrike was initially programmed and the devs wanted to increase the perceived uniformity across zoom levels.another example for said behavior is destiny two which has a similar background given that it uses 1,778 mdv as its native for a similar reason jsut with 1 simple change the native aspect ratio these days being 16:9.

Both of these just make an arbitrary point on the edge of the screen feel similar giving one the perceptinon of uniformity

0% has a different approach


id suggest you go look at the insrtructions if they are available in your native language, the videos are great examples for the different types of match




Thank you for your answer, what I actually want to know is the scope coefficient, based on what formula is calculated, in different game conversions, Hip fire will change with the conversion of the game, and in the same MDH% conversion mode, the sight factor tends to be the same, why.

  • Wizard
13 minutes ago, zhou707377543 said:

Thank you for your answer, what I actually want to know is the scope coefficient, based on what formula is calculated, in different game conversions, Hip fire will change with the conversion of the game, and in the same MDH% conversion mode, the sight factor tends to be the same, why.

I can explain why it happens, but I need to see exactly what you are referering to, do you have a few examples? Use the purple share button to get a link.


Also kovaak to convert CSGO, and apex.0% in MDH.
CSGO: zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse is 0.818933 (AWP) APEX: mouse_zoomed_sensitivity_scalar_1 0.991827 Call of Duty 2022 is again 1 How does this specific coefficient of the opening target translate?




Thank you for your answer, when using different FOVs, how is (hipfire) solved, that is, what formula is he used to calculate, this coefficient is not always 1, and does not change with sensitivity conversion, it seems to change with FOV and MDH.


How is the coefficient of 15.748 obtained, the above conversion is hipfire, and what I need is (Scope), he is 1 in some games, and in CSGO it is 0.818933, this value is a constant, does not change with sensitivity conversion, how is this coefficient reflected in the equation.

  • Wizard
Just now, zhou707377543 said:

How is the coefficient of 15.748 obtained, the above conversion is hipfire, and what I need is (Scope), he is 1 in some games, and in CSGO it is 0.818933, this value is a constant, does not change with sensitivity conversion, how is this coefficient reflected in the equation.

The scope sensitivity is based off of the hipfire sensitivity, so when the hipfire changes the scope doesn't have to since it is scaled by hipfire.


The scope sensitivity is based off of the hipfire sensitivity,  What formula is the scaling principle based on, (Scope). The way this coefficient is solved makes me a little confused

  • Wizard
  • Solution
Just now, zhou707377543 said:

What formula is the scaling principle based on, (Scope). The way this coefficient is solved makes me a little confused

It's a simple multiplier based on the FOV. So for instance zoomed 1 is 4:3 FOV 40, so with zoom sens 1 you get 90/40=2.25 times the hipfire distance. With zoom sens 0.5 it will be 4.5 times etc.

  • Wizard
5 minutes ago, zhou707377543 said:

Thank you for answering my doubts, can you save an example to help me understand, what a simple multiplier solution process, such as how CSGO's AWP is obtained

The example above is AWP zoom 1 :)


 So for instance zoomed 1 is 4:3 FOV 40,why? How did this conclusion come about.Is FOV measured in-game?  That for the society my conversion is 0.818933, not 1 or 0.5 or something like that. In the (MDH 0%) conversion method, why (AWP zoom) is 0.818933 and nothing else.

  • Wizard
6 minutes ago, zhou707377543 said:

 So for instance zoomed 1 is 4:3 FOV 40,why? How did this conclusion come about.Is FOV measured in-game?

Measurements yes, but it's also well documented.

6 minutes ago, zhou707377543 said:

That for the society my conversion is 0.818933, not 1 or 0.5 or something like that. In the (MDH 0%) conversion method, why (AWP zoom) is 0.818933 and nothing else.

As mentioned, the zoom sensitivity is based on the hipfire sensitivity, so if both of these are converted using MDV 0%, the zoom sensitivity will not change. 0% will always be 0.818933 compared to hipfire.


the zoom sensitivity is based on the hipfire sensitivity, When I am in use MDV 0%,I know he doesn't change anymore。But how exactly do you find this parameter?(0.818933)。Is there an equation that can answer this question, thank you


((tan(106.260205 degrees*1/2))/(tan(51.774009 degrees*1/2))) =2.7474775

FOV 40*(0.818933)=32.75732 so with zoom sens0.818933  is 90/32.75732 =2.7474775

With your help I finally understood the meaning of this coefficient, thank you so much


I still have some questions,(So for instance zoomed 1 is 4:3 FOV 40)How to measure this value for different games。It's not just CSGO,At the same time, what is the meaning of FOV represented by this coefficient。As we all know, changing this parameter does not change the size of the real FOV in the game。


I carefully read your explanation above, and now I fully understand how to calculate the coefficient, I can derive the coefficient through the MDH% formula, and then reverse deduce what is FOV under the unit value, the specific need to be carried out in the game through pixel measurement software, thank you for your patience

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