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Possible bug - Apex legends cl_fovscale does not match the fov the calculator says it will give.

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Using cl_fovscale that the calculator says will give 106 fov in apex legends, gives actually instead 90 fov in apex legends. 

Config FOV:
cl_fovScale "1.281845"
Actual VFOV:
73.479951 degrees
Actual HFOV:
106.000016 degrees
Ingame this becomes 90 fov.
The actual cl_fovscale (that results from setting fov 106 ingame) is 1.49304


Thanks for your answer, but I have a similar question and I still don't understand how it works.

Here are the settings I've tested, the fov_scale given by the calculator, and how it actually shows in-game

Target: 90 FOV Hdeg 4:3
fov_scale: 1.285714
In game, it shows as: 90
=> As expected :) 

Target: 100 FOV Hdeg 4:3
fov_scale: 1.428570
In game, it shows as: 102
=> Is that expected? If so how, I still don't really understand :/

Why does it work as expected at 90, showing the Hdeg4:3 in-game, but not at 100 ? 

Or maybe in-game doesn't show the hdeg4:3 ? You say: The in-game FOV is a multiplier to the 4:3 horizontal FOV.  But I don't understand, in-game is not a multiplier it is an absolute number that's displayed.

Either way, great work you're doing here 👍


  • Wizard
1 hour ago, ThisIsFlorianK said:

You say: The in-game FOV is a multiplier to the 4:3 horizontal FOV.  But I don't understand, in-game is not a multiplier it is an absolute number that's displayed.

It gives you the impression that it is a real value, but it's actually only correct at 70. At 110 it is actually 108.5, and it scales linearly between the two values. See this post for detailed info: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forums/topic/5433-apex-legends-fov-multiplier-conversion-is-wrong/?do=findComment&comment=23331&_rid=2



Oh, I think I understand.

It's not that the value in-game (in the menu) is a multiplier itself, it's that the multiplier in the config file is the only source of truth and the value in the menu is simply wrong.


  • Wizard
54 minutes ago, ThisIsFlorianK said:

It's not that the value in-game (in the menu) is a multiplier itself, it's that the multiplier in the config file is the only source of truth and the value in the menu is simply wrong.


The true FOV is the value in the config file multiplied by 70. The in-game value is intended to show you the actual FOV, but they messed up the conversion somehow. So it is in effect also a multiplier, but it's a bit more complicated than the config file one as it is 0.0875*(11*FOV+30).


Oh thank you. You're the best.

My aim improved 10 times more since I discovered your tool, than in the 10 year past. But since small errors can mess up muscle memory, I try to make sure I understand every setting I tweak. I must say I'm very impressed by your level of support and responsiveness, and happy to be a paid member.

Keep up the great work and thanks for the explanation 👍

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