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I don't understand how I can aim INSANELY well in BF4, I can easily pull 80-100k 20d in a 10-15 min hardcore deathmatch, but when i play in any other game like CSGO or Rainbow Six I can't reproduce the "same" results. Is it because the more fast paced deathmatch of BF4 with enemies being everwhere or is the playerbase in BF4 just inferior to the other two mentioned games.

Or is it my sensitivies being different from each game?

bf4 being 14% @ 450dpi with USA and FOV Scaling on 

r6 being 10 H 10 V 80 ADS

CSGO being 2.4

I used to play 2.4 @ 400dpi in cs and had a HS% of 80 and above but once i switched it feels like the aim is more shaky and unstable but in BF4 it's spot on all the time.

I don't get it, any ideas?

  • Solution

apparently adjusting my grip worked. my aim is stable now for some unexplainable reason.

i'll stick with this somewhat uncomfortable grip until it's not uncomfortable anymore, unless it's just dumb placebo and i'm in a so called "honeymoon period" (might be, probably is).

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