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FOV and sens on a continuum

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After reading the first few pages of this thread ->

 and also having my own struggle with sens, would it be silly to suggest that maybe, rather than setting a sens coefficient for ALL scopes, we could say, have 177% at hipfire FOV, moving all the way to 0% at the farthest FOV a game supports.  Hope this makes sense :D


I used 0%, 100%, 133% and 177% in BF4. for many hours. And I have settled on 133% for the simple reason that sniping becomes 'too fast' at 177%. However, I really like 177% for red dots. But, while 0% feels too slow for Red Dots, its feels nice for sniping.


Would it be possible to make a calculation that sets, for example, red dot at 177% and then all other scopes are reduced along the way to 0% at the most zoomed in FOV?


(i didnt read the whole 8 pages of comments, so forgive me if someone has already asked this)

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3 minutes ago, makojunki said:

Would it be possible to make a calculation that sets, for example, red dot at 177% and then all other scopes are reduced along the way to 0% at the most zoomed in FOV?

Sort of. Check this example out:


ADS is here 177%, while more powerful scopes gets progressively slower the more powerful they are.

This isn't a linear reduction though, they only get slower in terms of sensitivity value because they are all using MDV 0% and the coefficient is 178%. So in reality they are all 0%.

Currently the calculator only supports two levels of zoom; ADS and scope. Where the limit is between the two is kinda arbitrary and down to interpretation when the games are analyzed. Typically though anything which doesn't use a sight (i.e. ironsight etc) and is below 2.0X is considered ADS. Anything above is a scope. This isn't always the case though, as some games may have ironsight that is locked to say 40 degrees, but the hipfire might be set to 120 degrees without actually affecting ADS. So in this case the ironsight is still ADS while this kind of FOV in other games will be classified as a scope. It's in other words also down to visuals and game mechanics.


rather than setting a sens coefficient for ALL scopes, we could say, have 177% at hipfire FOV, moving all the way to 0% at the farthest FOV a game supports.  Hope this makes sense

This wouldn't make sense this way around. The more you zoom in, the more that a purely mathematical sensitivity match (i.e 0%) starts to feel too slow.

That is to say, using 0% for a 20x zoom scope feels a much slower sensitivity compared to  hipfire than when using 0% on a 1.2x zoom scope. This is because the centre pixel velocity is at the same speed, but the reduction in distortion makes images towards the edges move slower and our brains take in the whole screen when giving us our "sensation of sensitivity"

The whole point of why an increased monitor distance works is to account for this reduction in distortion that happens when you reduce FOV.  If this distortion wasn't there, 0% would just work for everyone at every zoom.

The more you zoom in the more reduction of distortion there is. This is why very high FOVs look curved, and very low FOVs look flat, almost like a painting. As such, you need to increase turn-rate compared to 0% (i.e use an increased monitor distance) to accommodate for the "human" factor of how we perceive this the more zoom is applied.

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