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Payday 2 set sensitivity to precise value + Screen Distance ADS match

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Posted (edited)

You need BLT for both of these: https://paydaymods.com/download/

Alternatively you can use the source to make your own BLT-less mods.


First the set sensitivity & fov: https://github.com/Skwuruhl/pd2-set-fov-sensitivity

put "set FOV & Sensitivity" folder into the \PAYDAY 2\mods\ folder

edit set.lua with notepad++ or similar

change fov and sensitivity variables according to mouse-sensitivity.com

If you want to manually set them then fov is a multiplier for 90 fov horizontal 4:3

Sensitivity scales from 0.3 being 0% on the in-game slider to 1.7 being 100% on the in-game slider. You can go outside these values if you wish.

In-game you need to set a mod hotkey in BLT's menus to run the script.


Next is the Screen distance ADS match: https://github.com/Skwuruhl/pd2-ads-normalization

By default Payday 2 uses 75% screen distance normalization and if that's what you want then you don't need this.

This mod by default will be 0%

If you want a different % then replace \Aim Sensitivity Fix\lib\Lua\NormalizedSens.lua with the filed located in \Alternate Match. Then edit the file and set matchDistance to what you want, by default it's at 50%.

To install put the \Aim Sensitivity Fix\ folder into the \mods\ folder

Ensure you have ADS FOV scaling enabled in options and that all sensitivity values are set to be exactly the same. (the first BLT mod does just that)

Edited by Skwuruhl
github and post rewrite
Posted (edited)

Hi its me again :D

Strange that you post this ADS sensitivity calculstions for Killing Floor 2 and Payday 2...that are my most played games in the moment :D

Make me really happy to see this! :)


Right now I use the custom FOV mod https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=14930

and set it so I have 106.26 Hfov. (65*1.384615385=90vfov 4:3)

Than I used the sensitivity the calculator tells me (4.9%), and link it with my ADS sensitivity and than use "FOV related sensitivity".

​With that, all scops feels good and ist close to match at 75% Screen distance due to some rough measurements I did (handtested).


If I would switch to your (probaly more precise) solution, would that include all scopes? And would It be possible to get an 75% Monitor match? I don't like 0 % :D


Grettings WhoCares?

Edited by WhoCares?
Posted (edited)

Hi its me again :D

Strange that you post this ADS sensitivity calculstions for Killing Floor 2 and Payday 2...that are my most played games in the moment :D

Make me really happy to see this! :)


Right now I use the custom FOV mod https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=14930

and set it so I have 106.26 Hfov. (65*1.384615385=90vfov 4:3)

Than I used the sensitivity the calculator tells me (4.9%), and link it with my ADS sensitivity and than use "FOV related sensitivity".

​With that, all scops feels good and ist close to match at 75% Screen distance due to some rough measurements I did (handtested).


If I would switch to your (probaly more precise) solution, would that include all scopes? And would It be possible to get an 75% Monitor match? I don't like 0 % :D


Grettings WhoCares?

75% match distance is likely what the "FOV Scaled Sensitivity" setting does since that would just be "ads/hipfire" in this case. This is because FOV in payday 2 is in 4:3 base and 4:3 is 75% of 16:9. In case it isn't then you change the main equation to

sens = sens * (currentState._equipped_unit:base():zoom() or 65.0) * (fovMul+1.0) / 130.0 / fovMul

For any other match distance percent you could change it to this

sens = sens * math.atan(x*math.tan(math.rad((currentState._equipped_unit:base():zoom() or 65.0) * (fovMul+1.0) / 4.0))) / math.atan(x*math.tan(math.rad(32.5 * fovMul)))

except change x to your screen match distance but as a decimal. So 0.5 for 50%.


Check original post edits.

Edited by Skwuruhl

Okay, I am using your method now. Works great! :) Especially that it is more precise than the in-game slider, because you can even type in the discrepancy

Good job :)

  • 2 weeks later...

Update 142 changed the sensitivity ingame and addes new sliders for horizontal and vertical sensitivity.

Still: My sensitivity seems to stay unchanged (with this mod) compared to  many steam-users reporting much higher sensitivitys with their old settings.

Can you confirm you mod is still working as intended?

Posted (edited)

Update 142 changed the sensitivity ingame and addes new sliders for horizontal and vertical sensitivity.

Still: My sensitivity seems to stay unchanged (with this mod) compared to  many steam-users reporting much higher sensitivitys with their old settings.

Can you confirm you mod is still working as intended?

They likely use different variable names which I don't know. I'm not really playing payday 2 right now so if someone else bothers to find the new variable names from the source code I'll update this. PD2 source here: https://bitbucket.org/YaPh1l/payday-2-lua/src/5354677fc20e?at=master

Edited by Skwuruhl

Unfortunately I have no clue how game coding is working^^ 

But I know that at least my hip fire sensitivity is still correct, even when I change the sensitivity in game with the slider (lets say 1% or 100%) my sensitivity doesnt change, so I assume your mod is overwritig it (?)

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately I have no clue how game coding is working^^ 

But I know that at least my hip fire sensitivity is still correct, even when I change the sensitivity in game with the slider (lets say 1% or 100%) my sensitivity doesnt change, so I assume your mod is overwritig it (?)

Okay so I asked the author of the long guide for the location and it's here: https://bitbucket.org/YaPh1l/payday-2-lua/src/5354677fc20ecc016baf03a432e9a95949ced73f/lib/managers/menumanager.lua?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default


The "normalize sensitivity" box in settings will set your zoomed sens at 75% match distance (as long as you have 16:9 aspect ratio). But yeah if you just want 75% match distance then you don't need the match distance mod. Just use the vanilla setting.


I'm updating variable names with what should work in my previous posts.


Edit: first I'm testing in-game to see if it actually works.


Edit 2: it appears that the normalization mod is overwriting the new sensitivity calculations.

Edited by Skwuruhl
  • 2 weeks later...
  • Wizard

Payday 2 sensitivity and FOV calculations for BLT mods are added! This means that you can use this mod easily, by replacing the fov and sensitivity formulas like so:

managers.user:set_setting("fov_multiplier", 1.285872)
managers.user:set_setting("camera_sensitivity_x", 0.4)
managers.user:set_setting("camera_sensitivity_y", 0.4)
managers.user:set_setting("camera_zoom_sensitivity_x", 0.395914)
managers.user:set_setting("camera_zoom_sensitivity_y", 0.395914)
if alive(managers.player:player_unit()) then


Posted (edited)

Few questions:

Are camera_sensitivity x and y the numbers I have to replaced with the numbers the calculator gave me? So 5.0% from the calculatur would be

managers.user:set_setting("camera_sensitivity_x", 0.05 )

managers.user:set_setting("camera_sensitivity_y", 0.05 )


If I wan't 75% match distance 16:9 than camera_zoom_sensitivity_x and y 0.395914 would be correct, or do I have to change it?

Whats the base value of the fov_multiplier 1.285872, ? I can't find it :unsure: I would like to have 90hfov 4:3 or 106.26 hfov/ 73.74 fvov 16:9

Greetings WhoCares :)

Edited by WhoCares?
Posted (edited)

:rolleyes::rolleyes: My bad, didn't noticed :wacko:

Thank you :)


Still got a question: if I change the fov_multiplier from 1 to 1.388783 in HIP do I have to change the fov_multiplier in ADS to 1.388783 too? or leav it at 1.0?

Edited by WhoCares?

camera_sensitivity and camera_zoom_sensitivity should both be set to the same value. Let the game/mod handle sensitivity scaling. Again if you want 75% then you don't need the ADS match mod. If you want a different match distance read the OP. 

Base FOV is 65° 4:3 horizontal. ADS FOV is calculated using the same multiplier. If you want more or less zoom use different scopes. The Long Guide has all the zoom values of scopes and how FOV for them is calculated. 

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Does this still work? I tried using this to set my FOV, but when I pressed the key nothing happened. I did edit the LUA file to remove all the sensitivity-related stuff since I already use a sens mod that lets me go lower than the default settings. What I'm left with is:

fov = 103.3
fov = math.deg(2.0*math.atan(math.tan(math.rad(fov/2.0))*9.0/16.0*4.0/3.0)/65.0)
managers.user:set_setting("fov_multiplier", fov)
if alive(managers.player:player_unit()) then


Edited by ygdrad
15 hours ago, ygdrad said:

Does this still work? I tried using this to set my FOV, but when I pressed the key nothing happened. I did edit the LUA file to remove all the sensitivity-related stuff since I already use a sens mod that lets me go lower than the default settings. What I'm left with is:

fov = 103.3
fov = math.deg(2.0*math.atan(math.tan(math.rad(fov/2.0))*9.0/16.0*4.0/3.0)/65.0)
managers.user:set_setting("fov_multiplier", fov)
if alive(managers.player:player_unit()) then


If it doesn't work anymore then Overkill changed something about FOV. Be a weird thing to change though, especially this late into the game's lifespan. I don't have the game installed anymore so I can't personally check. No patch notes mention FOV back to March, however, and I know this worked in at least may maybe even june.

But the ultimate edition did come out since then and it could have different code. I modified that part from another FOV mod though. https://modworkshop.net/mydownloads.php?action=view_down&did=14930 you could try this mod instead, though it might suffer from the same problem if the code really changed.

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

How do I change these things? I have a BLT mod installed that lets me change my sensitivity down to 0 if I want. The calculator gave me a sensitivity saying "camera_sensitivity_x", 0.176000 , but I'm not sure what to do with this information

  • Skwuruhl changed the title to Payday 2 set sensitivity to precise value + Screen Distance ADS match
On 12/17/2017 at 2:46 AM, Portmanteau said:

How do I change these things? I have a BLT mod installed that lets me change my sensitivity down to 0 if I want. The calculator gave me a sensitivity saying "camera_sensitivity_x", 0.176000 , but I'm not sure what to do with this information

Open the "set FOV & Sensitivity" folder and then open "set.lua" with notepad++ or something.

In there I have 2 variables at the top that you can put in values from the calculator.


I've updated my OP to be more clear on everything.

Posted (edited)

So why are there two possible different values that the calculator can give with respect to viewspeed if they're supposed to be the same with FOV relative sensitivity on? Aiming gives a slightly lower value of camera_zoom_sensitivity_x than the calculation for Hipfire gives for camera_sensitivity_x. What am I supposed to do, simply?


EDIT: Nevermind, I simply misunderstood the wording of the calculator's suggestion. I believe that we are to have separate sensitivities at all times and that the FOV relative setting only fixes aiming sensitivities between the various zoom levels, correct?

Edited by HnKi
clarify some things
19 hours ago, HnKi said:

So why are there two possible different values that the calculator can give with respect to viewspeed if they're supposed to be the same with FOV relative sensitivity on? Aiming gives a slightly lower value of camera_zoom_sensitivity_x than the calculation for Hipfire gives for camera_sensitivity_x. What am I supposed to do, simply?


EDIT: Nevermind, I simply misunderstood the wording of the calculator's suggestion. I believe that we are to have separate sensitivities at all times and that the FOV relative setting only fixes aiming sensitivities between the various zoom levels, correct?

I'm not sure what you're asking?

  • 3 months later...

Hi, I tried using this mod and installed it correctly (appeared in BTL mods) but it doesn't work.

Here's how it looks tEnIkAg.jpg

I have tried with different sensitivity and fov values but sensitivity just doesn't change. Thanks in advance

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