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What % of monitor distance should I put?

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Hi, I wanted to pass my sensitivity from 16: 9 to 4: 3

But I didn't know if I should do the conversion with 0% Horizontal Distance Monitor


I want to go from 1366x768 to 1024x768 in Apex Legends should I use the 0% distance monitor? or I have to use another % since I'm going from 16: 9 to 4: 3


You don't have to change anything as the sides are getting cropped off, without affecting the zoom. You still have the same information within the 768x768, and the 1024x768 portion of your screen, the rest is just not rendered in.


Where the mouse velocity synchronises to on the monitor is not related to your aspect ratio choice directly. It's still just preference. 

Monitor distance is just a measurement of sensitivity at the end of the day. You could play on a 1:1 square aspect ratio and still sync to 178% of vertical FOV if that's the speed you were used to.

20 hours ago, Drimzi said:

No tiene que cambiar nada ya que los lados se recortan, sin afectar el zoom. Todavía tiene la misma información dentro de 768x768, y la porción de 1024x768 de su pantalla, el resto simplemente no se procesa.

And if I change from 1920x1080 to 1024x768 if I put 0% distance from the monitor would it still be fine?

12 hours ago, TheNoobPolice said:

Donde la velocidad del mouse se sincroniza en el monitor no está relacionada directamente con su elección de relación de aspecto. Todavía es solo preferencia. 

La distancia del monitor es solo una medida de sensibilidad al final del día. Podrías jugar con una relación de aspecto cuadrado de 1: 1 y aún sincronizar con el 178% del FOV vertical si esa es la velocidad a la que estabas acostumbrado.

I didn't understand much what you mean by 178%

Hace 12 horas, Quackerjack dijo:

Algunas personas dicen sensibilidad del cambio de tamaño del monitor y algunas personas dicen sensibilidad del cambio de relación de aspecto.


Usa lo que quieras ;)


How would that change the sensitivity of the aspect ratio?

And what would be the sensitivity change for the size of the monitor?

I'm something new in this so I don't understand much

So far only use 0% horizontal monitor distance

I wanted to know if 0% of the horizontal distance monitor still works for when you change from 1920x1080 to 1024x768 or you should place another percentage

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, zlFrosT said:


How would that change the sensitivity of the aspect ratio?

And what would be the sensitivity change for the size of the monitor?

I'm something new in this so I don't understand much

So far only use 0% horizontal monitor distance

I wanted to know if 0% of the horizontal distance monitor still works for when you change from 1920x1080 to 1024x768 or you should place another percentage

You don't have to use any other percentage. If you are using 0%, then you scale by the change in zoom, which is what 0% does, but it does it indirectly under the monitor distance framework. This only works properly if the input and output game have the same resolution and monitor size. The calculator isn't really set up to convert between monitors using the zoom framework. You have to do it manually, or just ignore it.

To understand why monitor size would affect the sensitivity, just imagine two identical games on two different monitor sizes, let's just say one is 30" and the other one is half it's size, at 15".


If they both have the same fov, but the 15" monitor has that fov within half the physical size compared to the 30", then the 30" needs to zoom out by a factor of 2 to get the same information within the 15" portion of it's screen. The 30" essentially needs a much higher fov to match the 15". Once that is achieved, and they both have the same amount of virtual information in the same amount of physical space, then they can both have the same cm/360°.


If you just leave them as is with both having the same fov (first picture), then the 30" should have double the cm/360° compared to the 15". The calculator doesn't really understand this, as it just uses the fov values, and sees that both cases have the same fov, and should have the same cm/360°. The monitor size variable in the calculator is just used for cursor measurements AFAIK.



Edited by Drimzi
22 hours ago, Drimzi said:

No tiene que usar ningún otro porcentaje. Si está usando 0%, entonces escala por el cambio en el zoom, que es lo que hace 0%, pero lo hace indirectamente bajo el marco de distancia del monitor. Esto solo funciona correctamente si el juego de entrada y salida tiene la misma resolución y tamaño de monitor. La calculadora no está realmente configurada para convertir entre monitores usando el marco de zoom. Tienes que hacerlo manualmente, o simplemente ignorarlo.

Para entender por qué el tamaño del monitor afectaría la sensibilidad, imagine dos juegos idénticos en dos tamaños de monitor diferentes, digamos que uno es 30 "y el otro es la mitad de su tamaño, a 15".


Si ambos tienen el mismo campo de visión, pero el monitor de 15 "tiene ese campo de visión dentro de la mitad del tamaño físico en comparación con los 30", entonces el 30 "debe alejarse en un factor de 2 para obtener la misma información dentro de la porción de 15" de su pantalla. El 30 "esencialmente necesita un punto de vista mucho más alto para que coincida con el 15". Una vez que se logra eso, y ambos tienen la misma cantidad de información virtual en la misma cantidad de espacio físico, entonces ambos pueden tener el mismo cm / 360 °.


Si simplemente los deja como están con ambos teniendo el mismo fov (primera imagen), entonces los 30 "deberían tener el doble de cm / 360 ° en comparación con los 15". La calculadora realmente no entiende esto, ya que solo usa los valores fov y ve que ambos casos tienen el mismo fov y deberían tener los mismos cm / 360 °. La variable de tamaño del monitor en la calculadora solo se usa para las mediciones de cursor AFAIK.



Oh thank you I think I understand

Then I should leave 0% distance from the horizontal monitor

Since I am not changing the size of the monitor I am only changing its resolution from 16: 9 to 4: 3 in the same game and that only change of fov

So since I'm just making a change of fov from 16: 9 to 4: 3 with 0% distance horizontal monitor would it be ok?


1. If you are changing the aspect ratio (like cropping off the sides), and the 1:1 fov is still the same, then you don't need to change the sensitivity. All that happens in this case is that you "turned off" some pixels. You can achieve the same thing by taping some black paper to the sides of your screen.


2. If a game uses horizontal FOV (not vertical, 4/3, or 16/9), then reducing the horizontal width essentially makes the game zoom out, as it needs to maintain that fov but within a smaller area, and you would then need to change the sensitivity.


In YOUR case, with Apex Legends, it is case #1, and you don't need to change the sensitivity.

3 minutes ago, Drimzi said:

1. Si está cambiando la relación de aspecto (como recortar por los lados), y el punto de vista 1: 1 sigue siendo el mismo, entonces no necesita cambiar la sensibilidad. Todo lo que sucede en este caso es que "apagó" algunos píxeles. Puede lograr lo mismo pegando un poco de papel negro a los lados de la pantalla.


2. Si un juego usa FOV horizontal (no vertical, 4/3 o 16/9), entonces reducir el ancho horizontal esencialmente hace que el juego se aleje, ya que necesita mantener ese campo pero dentro de un área más pequeña, y usted entonces necesita cambiar la sensibilidad.


En SU caso, con Apex Legends, es el caso n. ° 1, y no necesita cambiar la sensibilidad.

If what happens is that I use Apex in a command that returns to 4: 3 without black borders

So if I want to change my sensitivity from 1920x1080 to 1024x768
Would it be the same sensitivity or should it change?



Is this conversion ok? 2 sensitivity in 1920x1080 to pass it to 1024x768 gave me 1.5 Is it well done?

Posted (edited)

Your 1:1 FOV is still identical. You have 92.35 vertical and horizontal within the 1:1 portion of the screen. The game hasn't zoomed in/out. No sensitivity change is required.

How can it have no black borders? Are you stretching? You can't match sensitivities between non-stretched and stretched. Your sensitivity is going to be stretched just like the image.

Edited by Drimzi
Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, Drimzi said:

Su FOV 1: 1 sigue siendo idéntico. Tiene 92.35 verticales y horizontales dentro de la porción 1: 1 de la pantalla. El juego no se ha ampliado / reducido. No se requiere cambio de sensibilidad.

¿Cómo puede no tener bordes negros? ¿Estás estirando? No se pueden igualar las sensibilidades entre no estirado y estirado.

If exactly I am using stretched
But the horizontal FOV changes
Does that not affect sensitivity?

Since the vertical FOV does not change but the Horizontal FOV does
Does that not affect sensitivity?

Edited by zlFrosT
5 minutes ago, zlFrosT said:

If exactly I am using stretched
But the horizontal FOV changes
Does that not affect sensitivity?

The fov itself doesn't matter. You could effectively reduce the fov by placing both of your hand on your screen.

It's only the zoom that matters. The zoom is the transformation, it affects scale and speed (i.e. if you do a 2x zoom, objects appear to be 2x larger, and move 2x faster). When a zoom happens, you have to apply that transformation to your sensitivity as well, using 0% monitor distance match.

In your case, there is no zoom. You don't have to change the sensitivity.


You are stretching the game though, and there is no way to make it feel normal.

Posted (edited)


24 minutes ago, Drimzi said:

El fov en sí mismo no importa. Podrías reducir efectivamente el fov colocando ambas manos en la pantalla.

Es solo el zoom lo que importa. El zoom es la transformación, afecta la escala y la velocidad (es decir, si haces un zoom de 2x, los objetos parecen ser 2x más grandes y se mueven 2x más rápido). Cuando ocurre un zoom, también debe aplicar esa transformación a su sensibilidad, utilizando una coincidencia de distancia de monitor del 0%.

En su caso, no hay zoom. No tienes que cambiar la sensibilidad.


Sin embargo, estás estirando el juego y no hay forma de hacerlo sentir normal.

I still have a hard time understanding it since I'm something new in this


But I think this would be the right conversion I should do?


So this conversion is ok?

To pass my sensitivity to another game should I use 0% Vertical Distance Monitor again?


If it's wrong, could you show me how the correct conversion would be?

Edited by zlFrosT

You don't have to do any conversion, but yes 0% vertical distance is the most fool-proof one. Horizontal will incorrectly give you a wrong sensitivity. As you can see, your sensitivity did not change, which is correct.

8 minutes ago, Drimzi said:

No tiene que hacer ninguna conversión, pero sí, la distancia vertical del 0% es la más infalible. Horizontal incorrectamente le dará una sensibilidad incorrecta. Como puede ver, su sensibilidad no cambió, lo cual es correcto.

Oh ok then from now on I will do conversions with 0% vertical
Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions

I love you ❤️

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