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Is this something wrong? csgo to r6

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Posted (edited)

on R6 setting you should set it in config file and  use Vdeg for FOV type . i suggest use fov 82 in game for R6 . it  give the same actual fov for csgo 's hipfire and R6 's ADS (1x scope)


Edited by kittawat
在 2019/4/5 在 AM10点37分, kittawat说:

on R6 setting you should set it in config file and  use Vdeg for FOV type . i suggest use fov 82 in game for R6 . it  give the same actual fov for csgo 's hipfire and R6 's ADS (1x scope)


OK! Thx this!

Posted (edited)

may i also suggest trying fov of 74 for r6 as it will match the hip fire fov for both games. kittawat''s suggestion is also a good idea as you usually aim with ads in this game and hipfire is used less often. but coming from cs go 74 felt the most comfortable for me. your own mileage may very. if you do use 74 you can use 360 distance to convert the hipfire sense as the fov is pretty much the same. but when finding your ads sense as kitwat said, use 75 percent horizontal distance as that is what cs go also uses to find the scoped sense.  If you are a long term cs player, this would be a good idea, if not then you can experiment with other numbers as you like. 

Edited by fighter85
在 2019/4/10 在 AM11点38分, fighter85说:

may i also suggest trying fov of 74 for r6 as it will match the hip fire fov for both games. kittawat''s suggestion is also a good idea as you usually aim with ads in this game and hipfire is used less often. but coming from cs go 74 felt the most comfortable for me. your own mileage may very. if you do use 74 you can use 360 distance to convert the hipfire sense as the fov is pretty much the same. but when finding your ads sense as kitwat said, use 75 percent horizontal distance as that is what cs go also uses to find the scoped sense.  If you are a long term cs player, this would be a good idea, if not then you can experiment with other numbers as you like. 

So, is this my setting? I am a long-time csgo player has played for 10,000 hours.


Posted (edited)

fov represent for csgo is Hdeg 4:3 

for R6 is Vdeg

why i use  fov = 82 in r6 : actual fov after ads (holo/reflex/redot and ironsight) will be reduced to 73.8  (almost identical to csgo hipfire 73.74).

actually you can use  any fov for r6 in range of 60 to 90.



so this is the setting for you (i also use this setting but my csgo sens is 1.80)


and result is ....


note : it work only with X1 scope . for acog you have to recalcurate with All w/ Acog. 



Edited by kittawat
Posted (edited)

what is the difference between acog and all w/acog   both options are there in drop down. i personally thought "acog" is the correct dropdown option for calculating acog sense


as for me i first converted  hipfire sense from cs go to hipfire sense in seige.  then used the multiplier unit value to convert hipfire in seige to ads in seige.  if fovs in conversion are different i used 75 percent horizontal distance. for acogs  there is a way to backward engineer the value so you only have to adjust the ads sens  "in game"  when using an acog and it will be right. because otherwise u have to choose whether your  acog sense is correct or  ads sense is correct. if you give me all your details i can try calculating how i did it. i don't know if it is  right or wrong but i think it is right. as for fov i matched  hip fire fovs in both game, kitwat match hipfire fov in cs with ads fov in seige. u can try both and choose whatever is better for you there is no right and wrong. you can even try some other fov value. my 2 cents

Edited by fighter85
  • Wizard
6 hours ago, fighter85 said:

what is the difference between acog and all w/acog   both options are there in drop down. i personally thought "acog" is the correct dropdown option for calculating acog sense

The "All" calculates both hipfire and ACOG, with just the "ACOG" option you have to enter your current hipfire sensitivity.

  • 6 months later...

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