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Apex Legends FOV multiplier conversion is wrong

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Posted (edited)

I'm pretty sure whatever conversion is going on for  between "Hdeg 4:3 fov" and the APEX legends FOV multiplier is wrong.

I believe this is the correct formula for Hdeg 4:3 to multiplier conversion:

1 + ((x - 70)*(0.01375))

   where X is the Hdeg 4:3 fov value you want

Why do I think this is correct? My aim always felt off using the current settings the calculator gives so I knew something was wrong. First, I confirmed that the mouse sensitivity calculations were correct by using an autoit script to do 360, and the calculations are correct so I knew it had to be FOV issue.  Next, I realized that the in-game FOV slider is moving the multiplier by a constant value (0.01375 per 1 FOV).  Which means if you manually set the FOV config multiplier value in the profile.cfg file, it will be moving at that constant when you move the slider. After that, I realized that 70 fov in game will always set the cl_fov value to 1. I concluded this a "0 point" I can use and that moving at increments of 0.01375 per 1 FOV will yield the proper HDeg 4:3 FOV because it is based off the source engine.  Sure enough, when I did the calculations and set FOV to the proper FOV that I normally play on other FPS games (86.6 HDeg 4:3 FOV), my aim felt normal again.


Here's a JScalc I made for people who are lazy to do math: https://jscalc.io/calc/sjaxm3vHaXvjqmf5

Edited by Frank3XD
  • Wizard

The multiplier for Apex is simply 


where x is the FOV in Hdeg 4:3. The in-game representation of the FOV is not correct, it's very inaccurate and is showing the wrong value. The correct and applied 4:3 Hdeg FOV is the multiplier value in the config file multiplied by 70. It's been tested, measured and verified.

This is also supported by the scope sensitivity calculations, which can only be correct if the base FOV calculation is correct.

Posted (edited)

I'm not sure how you do this but if you could explain or link me to a post that explains how do you measure the FOV? And also how do you compare FOVs across games to say they're both say, 90 4:3 FOV?

Also, I'm pretty sure the in-game representation of 4:3 FOV is correct. The only "incorrect" thing about is that it rounds its FOV display value to the nearest whole number when you edit the config file. That's why the game says 90 FOV at it's default value because the actual 90 4:3 FOV multiplier value is 1.275.


The whole reason I'm sure is that my friends, and I have used mouse-sensitivity for a while to do conversions and it's great. It has always been perfect, but this game it isn't. So it bothered me. When they use my FOV conversion they said their aim feels good now, but when we use the one on the calculator it feels terrible.

Edited by Frank3XD
  • Wizard
23 hours ago, Frank3XD said:

I'm not sure how you do this but if you could explain or link me to a post that explains how do you measure the FOV? And also how do you compare FOVs across games to say they're both say, 90 4:3 FOV?

Here's how you can test: Set the sensitivity to 1.636364. This makes a 360 exactly 10000 counts. Now set the FOV to 1.55 (or 110 in-game).

According to your calculations this will make the actual HFOV in 16:9 124.59 degrees. According to the calculator it will be 123.27, so a difference of about 1.3 degrees.

Line up something like a pillar at the right edge of your monitor. There is a slight sway so preferable line it up so it barely touches and edge on the left end of the sway:


With your calculated FOV the distance in counts to the edge should be 10000/360*124.59/2=1730.4 counts, according to the calculator it should be 10000/360*123.27/2=1712.

So this is moving 1712 counts wich perfectly lines up:


This is 1730 counts which overshoots:


It more complicated than this though, because 360 calculations for ADS and scopes are seemingly a bit more accurate using the FOV from your approach, but the actual FOV seem to be off.

I need to do some more testing to see exactly what's going on here.

  • Wizard

For anyone interested I have confirmed that the in-game value is without a doubt wrong. The correct 4:3 FOV is multiplier*70. First for reference I did the following in CSGO where we know the FOV values are exact. Took a screenshot of an object at FOV 70, 80, 90, 100 and 110.

FOV	VDEG	Pixels	Pixel ratio	FOV ratio	Error
70	55.41	556	1.000000	1.000000	0.00 %
80	64.37	464	0.834532	0.834366	0.02 %
90	73.74	390	0.701439	0.700161	0.18 %
100	83.58	328	0.589928	0.587525	0.41 %
110	93.93	273	0.491007	0.490285	0.15 %

As you can see the ratio between the FOV and pixels is pretty much spot on.

Doing the same for Apex assuming the in-game value is correct gives the following output:

FOV	Multi	VDEG	Pixels	Pixel diff	FOV diff	Error
70	1.0000	55.41	555	1.000000	1.000000	0.00 %
80	1.1375	64.37	464	0.836036	0.834366	0.20 %
90	1.2750	73.74	396	0.713514	0.700161	1.87 %
100	1.4125	83.58	333	0.600000	0.587525	2.08 %
110	1.5500	93.93	278	0.500901	0.490285	2.12 %

The error is clearly increasing with the increase of FOV.

If we instead assume the FOV is multiplier*70 we get the following:

FOV	Multi	VDEG	Pixels	Pixel diff	FOV diff	Error
70	1.0000	55.41	555	1.000000	1.000000	0.00 %
80	1.1375	64.05	464	0.836036	0.839557	-0.42 %
90	1.2750	73.02	396	0.713514	0.709404	0.58 %
100	1.4125	82.45	333	0.600000	0.599315	0.11 %
110	1.5500	92.35	278	0.500901	0.504015	-0.62 %

All this is just confirming that the FOV measured in-game correlates to multiplier*70 and not the in-game value.

Images attached for reference.











  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry, I got tied up and forgot about this thread. I appreciate the explanation on how you calculate all of this. At the moment, I don't really have anymore input, but I will test some other stuff later. I'm very curious as to why setting the FOV to what the calculator says throws my aim off so much even if I set the fov and sensitivity the same as the other games I play. It's not just like "bad aim". I can feel that it's off and it's really annoying. As soon as I use my method for calculating FOV, my aim feels perfectly fine. Which is weird because will all the other games I play, mouse-sensitivity calculator works like a charm and my aim feels perfectly transferred.

  • Wizard
6 hours ago, Frank3XD said:

I'm very curious as to why setting the FOV to what the calculator says throws my aim off so much even if I set the fov and sensitivity the same as the other games I play. It's not just like "bad aim". I can feel that it's off and it's really annoying. As soon as I use my method for calculating FOV, my aim feels perfectly fine.

Is this for hipfire or ADS/1x/2x etc? Or everything?

Posted (edited)

Everything. I'm partially wondering if it's input lag I'm feeling and changing the fov is offsetting that "feeling". I know apex really hasn't done much towards optimization.


Edit: Removed the stuff about input lag because I'm pretty sure that's not the case.

Edited by Frank3XD
  • 8 months later...
  • Wizard
17 minutes ago, hussamada61 said:

so should i use the in config file fov multiplier to set my fov? how many digits i can use? since when i change it and launch the game, if i check the config file after i lanuched the game the value is changed a little. maybe i only should use 4 digits or something or should i put the file to read only?

The calculator supports the in-game value as well, and treats it like a multiplier. But the accuracy is pretty bad, so the config file is definitely better.

Use 6 decimals for the config file. It might be changed a little bit by the game, but it's the most accurate you can be.

Posted (edited)

what is my fov now? when hdeg 16:9 120 in COD MW 2019 to apex



Edited by Dati
  • 6 months later...

Hi i am playing csgo on  4:3 1440*1080 with a dpi of 800 and ingame sens 0.96 with raw input. Could someone help me set my fov and ingame sens for apex. 

What fov multiplier should i use. 



What about other sens 1x2x should i chanve them too? Because my aim in apex is terrible. Thats what led me here xd. It says i need to pay for those. 

  • Wizard
Just now, Arnivor said:

I got asus vg248qe

1920*1080 24 inch 16:9


Ok, so I assume Apex is filling up the whole screen with no black bars?

And if CSGO is 4:3 stretched you can either set the FOV multiplier to cl_fovScale "1.053426" to match the horizontal FOV, or cl_fovScale "1.285714" to match the vertical FOV. You can't match both if CSGO is stretched and Apex is not.


Well i just selected 4:3 option and selected the resolution 1440 * 1080 no tricks it goes streched o could play on native resolution too. All i did was do somerhing in nvidia panel so so black bars for me in csgo

  • Wizard
3 minutes ago, Arnivor said:

Well i just selected 4:3 option and selected the resolution 1440 * 1080 no tricks it goes streched o could play on native resolution too. All i did was do somerhing in nvidia panel so so black bars for me in csgo

Ok I see, you will get a really weird aspect ratio doing that, basically 16:10 in 4:3 stretched to 16:9. Better to go native I think unless you really like the stretched.

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