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COD:BO4 constant ADS cm/360 across different weapons?

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Hi, I am not sure if that is even possible? To clarify:


I want to set my hipfire sensitivity to 25cm/360

I want my ADS sensitivity to be 100cm/360 for ALL weapons excluding scopes


So far no matter what settings I use for the calculator, the results are off. By using ADS multiplier of around 0.44 I was able to make most of the rifles feel right, but the pistols are way off. For the  record, I am using settings "ads fov affected" and "ads mouse sens. legacy", but I am happy to change that if needed.


Somebody please tell me if I am asking impossible


Thanks for your reply! I've read that thread, and I have read few similar ones before. None of them outright state it's impossible, but none of them have any tips how to achieve it either, so I'm just gonna assume it is not possible in this particular game (I was able to set it up like that in pubg and bf1 iirc). All of those threads have somebody saying how this is not what I want to do. I understand where they are coming from, but I still very much want to try it my way.


In the thread you linked and in others I read people seem to always assume that I want to do 360s in ADS for some reason. Truth is, I want to do 60-120 degrees turn and I want them to take the same mousepad distance no matter if I hold a pistol or a rifle. I don't think that is too much to ask, honestly! (I honestly couldn't care less how "wrong" the scopes would feel, I can work around it).




Nah man I hear you. If they ever offer granular sensitivity settings for each optic like PUBG,  I'll definitely be making some changes. Wasn't trying to be prescriptive, just trying to offer the best advice possible given the current constraints in the settings. Hopefully they'll offer more sensitivity control.



Hey I hope didn't come off as rude! Was not my intention, you are the only person that bothered answering, I am grateful! I am just frustrated because I just assumed it's a given in FPS, since I am new to them. I will make due, but I'm hoping they add more control too! Once again sorry for my tone :).


14 hours ago, zdfgzdfg said:

Hey I hope didn't come off as rude! Was not my intention, you are the only person that bothered answering, I am grateful! I am just frustrated because I just assumed it's a given in FPS, since I am new to them. I will make due, but I'm hoping they add more control too! Once again sorry for my tone :).


Didn't read it that way at all. Good luck out there!

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