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Question: How exactly do you get your measurement values for the calculator?

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I hope this is not too intrusive of a question, but I was wondering how you get to the values the calculator uses in the end.

Such as FOV at certain zoom levels. Do you just measure it or do you prefer reading config files?

How do you evaluate an FOV for a zoomed in view where there are black bars, for example the CS:GO AWP zoomed in. There you have only a circle of visibility in the middle while the rest is blacked out. Is the FOV the calculator uses the FOV inside of that circle or is it the FOV that the screen would have if the black bars were not there?

  • Wizard

I always measure sensitivity and FOV with scripts.

Aims that have blacked out the edges can be measured in two ways.
Either by figuring out how the game scales FOV and sensitivity through other tests. So for instance if the game scales sensitivity to 100% monitor match, I know that double the 360 distance equals half the horizontal FOV.

Or by measuring the distance visible in the scope. If only 40% (between the crosshair and edge) of the screen is visible, I can measure how far moving this 40% is, compare this to the 360 distance and calculate how many degrees I moved to reach 40% monitor distance. From there some more math to find the FOV.

The FOV in the calculator is for the entire screen regardless of what is blacked out.

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