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I am a newbie. Can tell me how to use the tool?

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Hello everyone, I tried to read the explanation of the two rules, but to tell the truth, I can't see clearly what I said. So if I assume that the v2 rule is perfect, I also believe it, at least for now.
So for example, I need to figure out how fast the csgo awp is twice as fast as the v2 rule:


So I just need to fill ‘zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.987533’ into the game. I can get the speed of the perfect v2 rule at awp 1x?


For another example, if I sync awp2x of csgo to another game (BS):


Because csgo's sniper magnifies the distance one time is not very large. The BS game is very far from sniping and zooming. I don't know how to describe it. It's that the zoom factor of sniping is not the same.

So is my choice correct? There is also a problem. If Monitor Distance is selected, what does ‘Match At’ mean?

Posted (edited)

Try not to change the input. Keep it as CSGO hipfire with 1.3 sensitivity. Only change the output. The output will always get the correct value if you do this.

If you match to Zoom 1 and then convert from Zoom 2 using the sensitivity value intended for Zoom 1, then you are converted from an incorrect input. Since the game has many different zooms fovs, and you can only offset the scaling so that it is correct for one zoom state, all other zoom states are going to have an incorrect sensitivity. Don't use these as an input.


'Match at' defines a point a certain distance away from the crosshair where the mouse distance required to rotate to that point is identical at all FOVs. If you set 100%, it will match at the edge of your screen, and the mouse distance required to rotate to the edge of the screen will be the same for all games and scopes.


My recommendation is to either use Viewspeed v2, Monitor Match with 0%, or Monitor Match set to match at the top/bottom of your screen. The 'match at' percent for this can be found by putting this into a calculator:

resolution height / resolution width * 100

Example: 1080 / 1920 * 100 = 'Match at: 56.25 %'


Try each one and see what feels most natural to you, as it is different for everybody.

Edited by Drimzi

用一个合适的腰射灵敏度去v2匹配其他所有游戏的zoom灵敏度就行 -- 保留输入的1.3*800,选择要转换的游戏,就像Drimzi说的

顺便CSGO里,用v2无法统一AWP的1x的zoom sens和2x的zoom sens... 最佳选择还是75% MM(个人浅见)

Posted (edited)
14 小时前, CopperCn说:

用一个合适的腰射灵敏度去v2匹配其他所有游戏的zoom灵敏度就行 -- 保留输入的1.3*800,选择要转换的游戏,就像Drimzi说的

顺便CSGO里,用v2无法统一AWP的1x的zoom sens和2x的zoom sens... 最佳选择还是75% MM(个人浅见)

wow!谢谢大佬!不过v2好想不用选择match at。

Edited by Steam
On 2018/4/17 at 8:57 PM, Steam said:

wow!谢谢大佬!不过v2好想不用选择match at。

对的,v2大概是71% MM,其实因为CSGO开镜默认是75% MM,这个75% MM就是现在算法的始祖

On 2018/4/19 at 1:28 PM, CopperCn said:

对的,v2大概是71% MM,其实因为CSGO开镜默认是75% MM,这个75% MM就是现在算法的始祖

v2给的结果和75%差不多,v1才是70%左右。csgo和战地都是75%。Drimiz建议题主选择0%match 或者你的monitor 算出来后得match 比如16:9 就是56.25%, 或者v2。



Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, cchhqq said:

v2给的结果和75%差不多,v1才是70%左右。csgo和战地都是75%。Drimiz建议题主选择0%match 或者你的monitor 算出来后得match 比如16:9 就是56.25%, 或者v2。



v1是69.5%,v2是71%,MM主流是75%就是根据4:3 aspect ratio算的(手动AC娘点赞)

Edited by CopperCn
12 minutes ago, CopperCn said:

v1是69.5%,v2是71%,MM主流是75%就是根据4:3 aspect ratio算的

比如说bf1 15% 400 dpi, 69.5% 转换到ow就是9.15. 你用75%和v2都会给9.16. 总不能说给出结果更不一样的69.5%反而更接近v2把?之前我很久以前已经问过monitor distance 75%和v2的问题了。wizard和drimiz都说了是75%和v2给出来的结果一样。


我倒是很好奇你说的v2 71,v1 69.5%的结论是哪里来的,从来没再论坛里见到过这种说法。。。

Posted (edited)
16 minutes ago, cchhqq said:

比如说bf1 15% 400 dpi, 69.5% 转换到ow就是9.15. 你用75%和v2都会给9.16. 总不能说给出结果更不一样的69.5%反而更接近v2把?之前我很久以前已经问过monitor distance 75%和v2的问题了。wizard和drimiz都说了是75%和v2给出来的结果一样。


我倒是很好奇你说的v2 71,v1 69.5%的结论是哪里来的,从来没再论坛里见到过这种说法。。。

我也看到过他们的说法,但实际上viewspeed究竟是多少MM很大程度上决定于输入和输出的游戏的FOV差距。我说的69.5/71%是用viewspeed v1/v2从2d(windows桌面,osu)转换到90HOR+ FOV的游戏(CS:GO,QUAKE LIVE)时的MM(误差0.1%左右)。总的来说还是在75% MM左右浮动。愚见,我还要继续啃一啃drimzi的工作。

Edited by CopperCn
1 minute ago, CopperCn said:

我也看到过他们的说法,但实际上viewspeed究竟是多少MM很大程度上决定于输入和输出的游戏的FOV差距。我说的69.5/71%是用viewspeed v1/v2从2d(windows桌面,osu)转换到90HOR+ FOV的游戏(CS:GO,QUAKE LIVE)时的MM(误差0.1%左右)。愚见,我还要继续啃一啃drimzi的工作。


2d到3d我感觉更多的是提供一个更精确的转换结果。比如说2d到csgo,2d到ow,2d到bf,这几个结果会更加同步(more precise match)。如果从csgo 一个灵敏度转到所有其他游戏,会比这个稍微不准一点。当然,这是drimiz说会更准确。我是觉得差别不大。


drimiz这个人我觉得还是很有点东西的,还有拿个potato啥的。我把他们两个的帖子基本都翻了一遍了。不过他们的观点感觉还是有些地方不同的。他们关于0%, 100% match的看法差不多。但drimiz推崇56.25%和v2。最开始他推的v2,这个好像还是他自己设计的算法,后面推56.25%,现在两个都推了。不过不知道他现在用的啥。他把自己设置介绍取消了。


我还是比较偏向drimiz的看法,他推的两个我自己游戏里感觉同步比较准确点。但0%match在玩高倍镜时会更舒服,按zoom scale确实很有感觉。

Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, cchhqq said:


2d到3d我感觉更多的是提供一个更精确的转换结果。比如说2d到csgo,2d到ow,2d到bf,这几个结果会更加同步(more precise match)。如果从csgo 一个灵敏度转到所有其他游戏,会比这个稍微不准一点。当然,这是drimiz说会更准确。我是觉得差别不大。


drimiz这个人我觉得还是很有点东西的,还有拿个potato啥的。我把他们两个的帖子基本都翻了一遍了。不过他们的观点感觉还是有些地方不同的。他们关于0%, 100% match的看法差不多。但drimiz推崇56.25%和v2。最开始他推的v2,这个好像还是他自己设计的算法,后面推56.25%,现在两个都推了。不过不知道他现在用的啥。他把自己设置介绍取消了。


我还是比较偏向drimiz的看法,他推的两个我自己游戏里感觉同步比较准确点。但0%match在玩高倍镜时会更舒服,按zoom scale确实很有感觉。

我和Josh(aka potato psoas)一个观点,我两个月前完全抛弃了viewspeed专心75% MM了,原因就是CSGO BF QUAKE都是默认在16:9时75% MM(4:3时 100% MM)。0% MM我觉得很好,但是会让你开镜灵敏度太慢...

Edited by CopperCn
Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, CopperCn said:

我两个月前完全抛弃了viewspeed专心75% MM了,原因就是CSGO BF QUAKE都是默认75% MM。


56.25%确实我也觉得可能合更多人胃口。在玩ow时,感觉zoom 43确实比45更舒服。但我还是用的75。。


Edited by cchhqq

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