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360 Distance 0% Discrepancy?

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Why does the calculator often say that there is a 0% discrepancy in 360 degree turn difference when there's clearly a difference of over 2 inches? Am I not understanding something?


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Posted (edited)

You have selected 'Viewspeed 1' in the picture instead of '360° distance', this won't result in the same as 360° distance when using different fovs 

Since you are using two diffrent fovs the 360° distance will differ.

But have a look at the Base lenghth: Both have 5.5986 Inches, thats where the 0% Discrepancy takes place ;)


Edited by WhoCares?

Oh huh, that's interesting. Thanks for the reply.

So what's the option I should choose then to perfectly match up my sensitivity? I can't seem to find any results explaining the differences between the viewspeed options, 360 distance, and Monitor distance, but maybe I am just not looking hard enough.

Posted (edited)

Preference unfortunately


IMO you should use the same fov for hipfire in all games for consistency.

In csgo you cant change your fov. You are stuck with 90 hfov 4:3 which is 106.26 hfov on a 16:9 Monitor. Thats the fov value I use for hipfire in every game.

In Battalion max hfov is 105. I think you can change this value in the console to 106.26 tho, (cant check it, because I dont have my Gaming PC here.)

For aim down sights most people use either 0% monitor match, 75% Monitor match, or Viespeed 2 which is close to 75% Monitor match when using a 16:9 Monitor.

There is no true answere yet, which one is the best.

Try out what you find the best.

Since you played a lot of csgo (which I assume because you are converting from ;) ), you should use 75% Monitor match for Battalion, because csgo default scaling method for ads (AWP, AUG) is 75 %


It's a complicated topic if you are new to this .

Check out this helpfull videos from DPIWizard



Edited by WhoCares?

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