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Is low sensitivity relatively bad for health?

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i am now using sens of 400 dpi 2.5 in csgo. This sens works fine for me but i kind of feel like that it is very easy for my arm to get tired. After few hours, my performance will decrease a lot. Should I use a little bit higher sens to let myself to have my best performance for longer?

Posted (edited)

I think it's the opposite.

Yes, your arm will feel tired at first, but your muscles will get used to it.

But your wrist will thank you switching from high to low sensitivity.

Do all aiming with your wrist in the first place you will easily get you carpal tunnel syndrome

Edited by WhoCares?
Posted (edited)

I'm pretty well versed on this subject as I suffer from a disease which directly effects my ability to move, and which is directly effected by my movement. You're talking with a guy who literally tore both arms out of their sockets by using a computer. I'm sure that you'll never be in that situation, but as the guy at the wrong end of the scale, I've had to learn a few things along the way so that I can remain functional.

There is no short answer to this. Too low a sensitivity is not good for you (as mentioned above), but nor is too high. There are so many other factors at play, such as your playstyle, diet, exercise, and I cannot sufficiently stress the vast importance of posture. Even with my illness, I can easily play for hours on end without any stress...but ONLY if I do it right. I run a fairly low sens (about 42cm/360), to balance the stress between my wrists and my shoulders, because if it's too high then your wrist is doing all the work and that's bad, but if it's too low, then your shoulders are, and that's bad too. But if I get lazy and slump in my chair, it causes my shoulders to lean forward, which means that my upper arm is elevated higher, and I will get muscle spasms in the back of my shoulder, and it's GG for me. If I get lazy and lean back too far, the reverse happens, the front of my shoulder goes mental, and again, GG.

Your body is well designed for lots of movement, but most of it is only designed to move in a certain direction. A good example a physiotherapist once gave me, is in the hands. Take your outstretched hand, now move your index finger to touch the palm of your hand. Note how far it moves. Now, take your outstretched hand, and move your finger side-to-side to touch the fingers next to it. Note how far it moves now. Much less, right? That's because your fingers aren't meant to move far like that. If you're making your body move as it is designed to do, it'll do it very well, and a lot....but if you try to twist it in some direction it doesn't like to go, it's gonna hurt.

Like I say, you aren't likely to suffer from these kind of mistakes, to the degree which I do, but they still have the same negative effect, and as any sports instructor will tell you, if it's hurting, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG SO STOP.

It may just be that your general fitness is not so great, and that your muscles just aren't up to the task, but even if this is the case, punishing small areas of your body is not the right way to build muscle strength. Muscles need to balance each other out, you can do dumbbell curls all day and get mad biceps, but if you don't work your chest and triceps and back and neck and hips and legs, somewhere along that chain of muscles you're going to develop problems.

If you like, you can describe in more detail the arm pain your'e experiencing (what kind of pain, where exactly (be super-specific!), what movement makes it hurt more,etc) and I'll be able to take a pretty good guess as to why, and suggest some things you can do to mitigate it. If I were a gambling man, I'd take a bet with pretty good odds, that it's not your sensitivity, it's that you sit badly.

Edited by CaptaPraelium
Posted (edited)

It's not wise to just assume that it's simply fatigue. There's a big difference between 'feeling the burn' (as in, you're exercising muscles more than you normally would) and actual pain (as in, connective tissue damage resulting from an unnatural strain). OP really needs to elaborate here.... or like, see an actual doctor ;) I wouldn't want to be responsible for OP suffering a rotator cuff injury because I told him he's just weak and needs to work on it more.

It should be noted that, if OP has an appropriate sensitivity, the fatigue will be evenly spread throughout his entire arm, as in, his wrist will be just as tired as his shoulder, and the burn would be evenly spread throughout the entire arm.

Edited by CaptaPraelium
8 hours ago, CaptaPraelium said:

I'm pretty well versed on this subject as I suffer from a disease which directly effects my ability to move, and which is directly effected by my movement. You're talking with a guy who literally tore both arms out of their sockets by using a computer. I'm sure that you'll never be in that situation, but as the guy at the wrong end of the scale, I've had to learn a few things along the way so that I can remain functional.

There is no short answer to this. Too low a sensitivity is not good for you (as mentioned above), but nor is too high. There are so many other factors at play, such as your playstyle, diet, exercise, and I cannot sufficiently stress the vast importance of posture. Even with my illness, I can easily play for hours on end without any stress...but ONLY if I do it right. I run a fairly low sens (about 42cm/360), to balance the stress between my wrists and my shoulders, because if it's too high then your wrist is doing all the work and that's bad, but if it's too low, then your shoulders are, and that's bad too. But if I get lazy and slump in my chair, it causes my shoulders to lean forward, which means that my upper arm is elevated higher, and I will get muscle spasms in the back of my shoulder, and it's GG for me. If I get lazy and lean back too far, the reverse happens, the front of my shoulder goes mental, and again, GG.

Your body is well designed for lots of movement, but most of it is only designed to move in a certain direction. A good example a physiotherapist once gave me, is in the hands. Take your outstretched hand, now move your index finger to touch the palm of your hand. Note how far it moves. Now, take your outstretched hand, and move your finger side-to-side to touch the fingers next to it. Note how far it moves now. Much less, right? That's because your fingers aren't meant to move far like that. If you're making your body move as it is designed to do, it'll do it very well, and a lot....but if you try to twist it in some direction it doesn't like to go, it's gonna hurt.

Like I say, you aren't likely to suffer from these kind of mistakes, to the degree which I do, but they still have the same negative effect, and as any sports instructor will tell you, if it's hurting, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG SO STOP.

It may just be that your general fitness is not so great, and that your muscles just aren't up to the task, but even if this is the case, punishing small areas of your body is not the right way to build muscle strength. Muscles need to balance each other out, you can do dumbbell curls all day and get mad biceps, but if you don't work your chest and triceps and back and neck and hips and legs, somewhere along that chain of muscles you're going to develop problems.

If you like, you can describe in more detail the arm pain your'e experiencing (what kind of pain, where exactly (be super-specific!), what movement makes it hurt more,etc) and I'll be able to take a pretty good guess as to why, and suggest some things you can do to mitigate it. If I were a gambling man, I'd take a bet with pretty good odds, that it's not your sensitivity, it's that you sit badly.

Interesting that most the people that seem really interested in the "best" sensitivity (aka people that frequent this site) seem to settle on 40ish CM/360. There are many pros that use even lower than that, but to me it's a sensitivity that is low enough for precision but can also be used in fast-paced games with relative ease. I actually run games like Quake at a match, so that I have a sensitivity in the realm of 28CM 360 at its crazy FOV, but almost every game I run at 41.6CM/360 and have tried other sensitivites high and low and just keep going back to it. 

I don't want to say there is some logical reason for this, but it does seem like a "happy medium" sensitivity if there ever was one. A sensitivity that can aim vertically well, a skill that is not necessary in CSGO, but is invaluable in a game like titanfall.

5 hours ago, Traxilla said:

I've used 400 dpi and 1.42 for about 1½ year now, Which is way lower than what you're using, don't worry bout it mate

Every individual is different. What is a comfortable sensitivity for any individual, comes down to the way their individual body is structured. Just because it's good for you, doesn't mean it's good for him. That's why we have adjustable chairs ;)



7 hours ago, Bryjoe said:

Interesting that most the people that seem really interested in the "best" sensitivity (aka people that frequent this site) seem to settle on 40ish CM/360. There are many pros that use even lower than that, but to me it's a sensitivity that is low enough for precision but can also be used in fast-paced games with relative ease. I actually run games like Quake at a match, so that I have a sensitivity in the realm of 28CM 360 at its crazy FOV, but almost every game I run at 41.6CM/360 and have tried other sensitivites high and low and just keep going back to it. 

I don't want to say there is some logical reason for this, but it does seem like a "happy medium" sensitivity if there ever was one. A sensitivity that can aim vertically well, a skill that is not necessary in CSGO, but is invaluable in a game like titanfall.

I'd definitely say there's logical reason to it. Once again it's a matter of body mechanics, mostly, the rotation of the shoulder and the length of the forearm. Once you roll your wrist inward, as when holding a mouse, it doesn't move very far horizontally, so there's but a handful of cm in that. Likewise, your shoulder has it's limits. If you sit up straight and have your arm out straight parallel to your upper leg, you can rotate it inward all the way to touch your belly pretty easily, but to rotate it outwards that same 90-ish degrees, you'll feel a stretch in your chest and/or a pull in the front of your shoulder if you don't move your shoulder blade with it. If you take a look at how far your hand moves during all of this, and limit that distance to where it feels comfortable and easy not like you're doing yoga, it's gonna be about 40ish.

  • 1 year later...

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