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Hidden wps, and 16:9 to 16:10 stretched conversion values

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Posted (edited)

Hello comrades, i have two little questions, i saw in a post that if you want to pass from 16:9 to 4:3 stretched and feel the same sensitivity horizontally  have to multiply the 360 distance(16:9 one) for 1,125 to get the same feel in  4:3 stretched,  and if you want to go from 4:3 stretched to 16:9 is the same but dividing by 1,125

-Well the question is what about 16:9 to 16:10 stretched and 16:10 stretched to 16:9 i tried to figure out but i dont get the correct feel, which value i need to multiply or divide??

-And the other question, more curiosity than anything, what is the hidden wps that @Drimzi uses? its because i normally try his settings like 3/11 wps and works pretty well but its to know about that and how to enable it to try on, im currently at wps 3 800dpi 0.72... sens in games like cs. where fov is 106.

Thank you very much and have a nice weekend.

Edited by darkheart46

aaaaah regedit i didnt think about that good trick, and with 1/8 which dpi do you use?

thank you Drimzi you always know the answers its like the aristotle of mouse settings hahaha xD


im trying the settings. thank you drimzi!,

In another thought, i was thinking about making some trials in aim games or aim maps in some games, about ideal sensitivity and accuracys to try to land some light in optimized sensitivitys, now that we have the calculator to translate between games, knowing the ideal sensitivity beyond the "personal preference", i saw in some games pro players share very similar sensitivitys.


im also always trying, i used at cs a fixed sensitivity for years, but after know this web im always trying to get better results, but as you said, i got mixed results i tried very low sens 71.cm 360 and feel more consistent than 38-40 cm 360, but the 180  turns, and reaction time seems lot worse, in the other ways with 38-40 cm 360 some days im crushing it, and some really crazy flicks and shoots happens, but other days i dont hit an elephant, also with mices, somedays i feel that g pro better than g403 and others prefer the g403 (normally i get better results with that), if you check top players known for his aim at counter strike usually have sensitivity of  between 2 / 2.2 and usually heavy hitters play in stretched mode. but i dont know how to make a solid research also, is not usually spoken but, i think crosshair has also a importance in the aim, well thats my opinion xD.

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