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I got a couple questions regarding FoV

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Posted (edited)

I got a couple of questions which I cant really wrap my head around.

1. Calculator tells me default FoV is 90, should I use this despite playing 16:9?

2. How do I know which FoV type the game is using?

3. Why is this not giving the same 360 distance? The FoV is the same?

5. Also, is this a bug? 360 distance seems waay off. Or maybe I'm wrong


Ty, alot of questions and not the best english. However I'm going nuts not understanding, bare with me

Edited by lutthen
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  • Wizard
  1. Always enter the FOV value configured in the game. It's important that the resolution also is correct, so the calculator knows your aspect ratio.
    You can also use the FOV field to calculate FOV for a game, as you are doing with R6 here. The output tells you that you need to configure the FOV in R6 to 73.74 to achieve 106.26.
  2. The FOV type will automatically switch to the correct type for the game/aim you select.
  3. The in-game sensitivity in R6 only have 100 steps without any decimals, so this is the closest you can get to the CSGO 360. The discrepancy will tell you how much it is off.
  4. You forgot question 4! :)
  5. When you match using Viewspeed or Monitor Distance, the 360 distance will  be a lot different if the FOV is different. These methods match what you actually see on your screen. And you have selected 3rd person in PUBG which is unaffected by the FOV for 1st person, so it's locked at 80.
Posted (edited)

@DPI Wizard

1. Oh yeah I didn't actually know you could calculate the FoV like that haha. Used to always believe that putting my R6 FoV at 106.26 would give me the same feel as in CS GO. This makes a lot more sens.

2. Yeah I actually saw this post by you (great one btw) just as you answered which explains the different FoV type. I used to believe that 4:3 base was for a 4.3 res and Res.Base for anyone playing their native res (which tends to be a 16:9 one).

Link to the post below for any1 that might not fully understand FoV Type 

3. Yeah that makes a lot of sense, so in other words you should always aim to get the discrepancy as close to  0% as possible?

4. I actually edited my post after reading abit on the forums and got some of the original questions answered, simply just forget to switch the numbers around lel :)

5. Ah I see, does this apply to scopes aswell then?


Edited by lutthen
  • Wizard

For R6, using the config file settings instead of the in-game ones will get you exactly the sensitivity you want. Discrepancy closer to 0 is better yes.

Scopes and FOV is a mixed bag, in some games they are affected by the FOV you configure, others are locked to a specific FOV.

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