Frequently Asked Questions
How do I cancel my subscription?
If you signed up with Paypal: Go here and click "View Details" on the active subscription. Then click the "Cancel" button in the top right.
If you signed up with credit card, Alipay, Apple Pay or Google Pay: Go here, click "Manage" on the active subscription then "Cancel renewals".
If you cannot see any subscription in these two locations, go to the preapproved payments on your Paypal account and cancel the payment there.
Do not cancel the recurring plan until your order is processed. If you do the order will be stuck in "Processing". Contact us if this happens.
Canceled subscriptions will not expire until the current period is over.
How do I get support or contact you?
Before you make a support request or contact us, make sure your question is not already answered in the FAQ or in the instructions. Support requests are meant for account support regarding billing, access and deletion etc. For calculator support please post in the forum, preferably in the topic for the game you are having issues with. You can find the topic by clicking the game name in the game info section of the calculator.
You can create a support request here if you already have an account, or contact us here if you do not have an account.
Why can't I purchase a subscription without a credit card linked to my Paypal account?
This is a limitation enforced by Paypal.
How do I delete my account and request PII Data?
Request account deletion and PII Data here.